
Using Numerology

Accurate Numerology or Free Will

Numerology calculations are accurate. The results represent energies that may be interpreted to reveal tendencies and likelihoods.

A Description of Numerology

The gist of numerology is this: Numerology reveals tendencies and likelihoods.

All-Year Numerology

It is common for interest in numerology to temporarily increase at the end of a year and into the beginning of a new year.

All Your Other Names

You have a birth name, your name as first officially recorded at or soon after birth. And then there are all your other names.

A Name for an Artistic Career

An attractive, memorable name for your artistic career can help being remembered. And associated with your art.

Ancestral Traits Found in Family Name

Your family name has an influence. The energies it represents are an ancestral thread that culminates with you.

An Instant Numerology Mini-reading

You meet someone. Do this numerology mini-reading to know something about the person immediately. The first vowel of a name is a general indication of the person's unhidden heart's desire.

Any Number

Every number represents certain numerology energy. That holds for both single-digit numbers and multi-digit numbers.

A Risk of Numerology Predictions

Making predictions is risky. The person for whom a prediction is made might change their behavior and make different life decisions because of their expectation that the prediction will come true.

Auspicious Marriage Date Calculations

Imagine your wedding is perfect, a portent of all the perfect married days to follow. To help make it that way, get married on the most auspicious marriage date according to numerology calculations.

Basic Numerology Calculations

If you can do arithmetic, you can do numerology calculations.

Becoming a Professional Numerologist

Professional numerologists have their own unique understanding of numerology. You can, too.

Belief Effect on Numerology

Personal beliefs can affect a person's experience of numerology energy so that the energy is enhanced or suppressed.

Belief Is Not Required

While belief may make a person more inclined to see correlations and make subjective meanings associated with numerology results, belief is unnecessary. Numerology works as it does whether or not there is belief.

Birth Day Core Number

The energy represented by the day of birth number tends to affect the approach a person takes when pursuing goals and opportunities.

Can I Change My Numerology Numbers?

Some people are unhappy with the numbers of their personal numerology chart.

Career Determination Using Numerology

Numerology can be used to help with information to make career decisions.

Certainty in a Wildly Changing Universe

Numerology can provide a sense of certainty and stability amid a life of changes and unpredictable disruptions.

Change Your Life With Numerology

The things you can find out about yourself with numerology can change your life.

Choosing a Career

Determining the best career for oneself can seem like finalizing a life direction. But it doesn't have to be so.

Company Life Path Reading

A company's numerology life path number is calculated from the date the company started.

Company Name Compatibility

When a company name is compatible with the type of product or service it provides, the company is more likely to be successful.

Company Name Number Meanings

With numerology, company names have meanings. The numerology energy the name represents can have an effect on the company.

Compatibility of Name With Date of Birth

To determine birth date compatibility, compare the destiny number with the life path number.

Compatibility of Relationships

Sometimes you can sense when someone is compatible with you. Or incompatible. Virtually every aspect of life involves interaction with others.

Core Birth Date Numbers Affect You

The most important of all birth date calculations are the calculations for the core numbers.

Core Name Numbers Affect You

The three core name numbers are the destiny, the personality, and the heart's desire numbers.

Core Numbers Affect Personal Year

The energies represented by the core numbers can affect the energy represented by your personal year number.

Core Numbers of Numerology

The core numbers of numerology represent details upon which the person's numerology chart is built and the energies with the biggest impact on a person's life.

Cycle Energy Changes

Depending on the numerology chart and its purpose, it may provide the numbers for none, one, or many numerology cycles.

Cycles Based on Birth Dates

Numerology calculations based on the birth date generally are associated with time. That means cycles.

Daily Global Numerology Forecast

Global numerology energies provide a nudge for certain types of events and circumstances to occur in the world.

Daily Lucky Numbers

Numerology lucky numbers tend to attract more of the energies that the lucky numbers represent and repel other energies.

Daily Numerology Readings

Every day is different. What will tomorrow bring? How about the rest of today? Daily numerology readings are available right now.

Determine Product Names Using Numerology

Numerology can help determine good product names.

Determining Baby Names

Loving parents want the best for their babys that can possibly be provided. You have come to the right place.

Determining Date Meanings

A date represents certain numerology energy. The energy is interpreted for meaning.

Discovering Your Most Important Numbers

Here is a description of the most numbers in the most important positions of your personal numerology chart.

Discovering Your Talents

The place in your numerology chart that most strongly suggests what your talents are is the first letter of your first name.

Discover Your Numbers

What's your number? What are the core numbers of your numerology chart? Find out here.

Don't Tell Me My Future!

Imagine knowing everything that will happen in your life.

Effects of 1 to 2 Personal Year Number Change

When a change from personal year number 1 to number 2 is in process, the focus shifts from a perspective of self-sufficiency and aloneness to relationships with others.

Effects of 2 to 3 Personal Year Number Change

A shift from personal year number 2 to number 3 is a transition from a year of teamwork and relationships to a year of creative expression and socializing.

Effects of 3 to 4 Personal Year Number Change

A personal year number 3 to number 4 changes creative expression and socializing to a year of focusing on building a secure foundation for the future of self and family.

Effects of 4 to 5 Personal Year Number Change

A shift from personal year number 4 to number 5 is a change from narrow focus to attention dispersion.

Effects of 5 to 6 Personal Year Number Change

When a personal year number change from 5 to 6 is imminent, a change from expression of personal freedom to attention on home and responsibility is about to occur.

Effects of 6 to 7 Personal Year Number Change

When a change from personal year number 6 to number 7 is in process, focus tends to shift from family responsibilities to finding comfort within.

Effects of 7 to 8 Personal Year Number Change

A personal year number 7 to number 8 change means an introspective orientation becomes a material pursuit orientation. An inward focus becomes an outward focus. The focus changes from mental to mundane.

Effects of 8 to 9 Personal Year Number Change

When the personal year number 8 changes to the number 9, the person's material orientation tends to become an orientation of humanitarianism and tolerance with a worldwide view.

Effects of 9 to 1 Personal Year Number Change

When a personal year number change from 9 to 1 is imminent, a sense of completion tends to imbue a person along with a sense of new beginnings coming up.

Effects of the Shorter Numerology Cycles

A full numerology chart has many, many numbers. Each number represents energy with the potential to affect the person the chart was calculated for. This article addresses only numerology cycles.

Email Address Numerology

Your email address may reflect who you are or it may present you in a light you wish it didn't.

External Influences

External influences are outside the person, not innate. These are such things as the personal telephone number, the names of siblings, the name of the town of residence, and the calendar year.

Facts About Name and Birth Date Compatibility

The two most important personal numerology chart numbers are the birth date number and the name number. Are yours compatible or incompatible?

Failed Prediction

A fictionalized story of a prediction that failed the person who relied on it.

Fiction Story Characters,
Core Name Characteristics

Characters have names in fiction stories. Whether or not intended by the author, their name is part of the portrayal of a character.

Fiction Story Characters,
Essence Transit

People experience turning points and highlights, year by year. Fiction characters can experience that, too — if the author wants it to be that way.

Fiction Story Characters,

There is one place where fiction writers often make a mistake — character portrayal is dissonant with their name.

Fiction Story Characters,
The Open Heart

Like real-life humans, fictional human characters have a deep personal urge. To reveal their character's urge, the author may describe the urge, show how a person would act with that type of urge, or let the reader intuit the urge while reading the story.

Fiction Story Characters, Challenges

Fiction characters can experience cycles of challenges. And they may experience a numerology challenge that lasts their entire lifetime.

Fiction Story Characters, Core Birth Date Characteristics

If your fiction story character has a birth date, numerology can be used to determine the general types of events and circumstances the character is likely to encounter. Like in real life.

Fiction Story Characters, Life Period Cycles

People go through many cycles of changes. Fiction characters can, too. The life period cycles are addressed here.

Fiction Story Characters, The Capstone

The last letter of the character's first name is the capstone letter. It represents how events and situations are capped, ended.

Fiction Story Characters, The Cornerstone

How a fictional character views and approaches life is apt to have much to do with how they react to story situations. And the types of situations they catalyze.

Fiction Story Characters, The Power Number

In real life, as may be written into fiction stories, the energy representing the power number of personal numerology charts encourages an outlook-on-life shift and a change in determination of what is and is not important.

Finding Master Numbers

A master number is a two-digit foundation number, 11, 22, or 33. It has additional or enhanced influence on a person beyond what its related single-digit foundation number generally has. But not all 11, 22, and 33 numbers are master numbers.

Finding Your Life Purpose

What am I here for? What is my purpose? There are ways to use numerology to find those answers.

Free Daily Numerology Reading Widget

If you manage a divination- or new age-related website, this widget can bring your visitors back again and again – to use your widget for their next day's numerology reading.

Free Numerology Form on Your Web Page

You can put a free numerology reading form on your web site for your friends and visitors to use.

Free Numerology Readings

Information in free numerology readings can be used to improve your life. Significance and personal meaning an be revealed. Understanding can be gained — information that may be instrumental in making a better life.

Friendship Compatibility

There are several types or degrees of friendships. They range from friendly interactions to bosom friends — the people who love us and challenge us, who we show up for, and who we rely on.

Fun Ideas for Using Numerology

Here are some way to use numerology that you may not have thought of.

Fun Things to Do With Numerology

Here are some fun and entertaining ways to use numerology you may never have thought of.

Gemstone Numerology Chart Resonance

When the name of a gemstone resonates with your name or your birth date, there is a compatibility. Conversely, where there is a dissonance, there is an incompatibility.

Getting an Edge on Life

You can get an edge on life. When you recognize certain noteworthy qualities about yourself, you have an edge.

Getting the Most Out of Your Life Path Number

How to get the most out of your numerology life path number: Live it.

Getting Your Numbers

What's your number? What are the major numbers in your numerology chart? Find out here.

Good Travel Dates

When the energy of an event resonates with the energy represented by a person's numerology chart, things tend to go better.

Guide to 'Seeing the Same Number' Pages

Of all the numbers competing for a person's attention, some people only see a certain specific number. And see the number repetitively.

House Numbers and Numerology, Part I

Use numerology to determine the best house or apartment number. The best house number is one that resonates well with the destiny numbers of the people to be living there.

House Numbers and Numerology, Part II

The destiny numbers of every person that will live in the dwelling need to be considered when determining an ideal house number.

How Cycle Numbers Affect Each Other

Cycles are periods of time when certain influences can affect an individual — each cycle having a number to represent the cycle's energy.

How Major Personal Numerology Cycles Affect Your Life

The major personal cycles found in your numerology chart affect your life.

How Month and Day Cycles Affect Each Other

Every day, your numbers change. They have an effect on your month number, and vice versa.

How Neighboring Numbers Get Along (Or Don't)

According to numerology meanings, some single-digit numbers 0 through 9 resonate well with each other. Others don't get along so well. In fact, they can be about as opposite as it's possible for numbers to be.

How Numerology Predictions Work

No foretelling system can predict with consistent accuracy the specific events and circumstances that will happen in the future. But tendencies, likelihoods, and probabilities can be predicted.

How Numerology Works

It's easy to say (and true) that numerology works by applying certain calculations and interpreting the results. But the statement doesn't say anything beyond the obvious. And there's more to it.

How to Apply Numerology in Day-to-day Living

Being aware of the tendencies and likelihoods revealed in your numerology chart can have a profound effect on the decisions you make and the direction of your life.

How to Be Successful

People want to be a success. They want to have successful careers and successful relationships. They want to be viewed with favor.

How to Calculate Numerology Name Numbers

There are 3 major name numbers in a personal numerology chart. The 3 name numbers are all core numbers

How to Calculate the Foundation Number

A foundation number is a number calculated from a multi-digit number. The number represents fundamental numerology energy.

How to Choose a Great Screen Name

Numerology can be used to choose a screen name that resonates with your purpose for having the screen name.

How to Determine a Career Number

Determining the number for a career is different than determining a person's name number or birth date number.

How to Interpret Multi-Digit Numbers

Once the foundation number is determined, the energy represented by that number is interpreted. The foundation number generally is obtained by reducing a multi-digit number to a single digit.

How to Make Yearly Numerology Predictions

How to determine universal energies and make yearly numerology predictions.

How to Predict Timing of Events

Although exactness is elusive, predictions and forecasts for timing of specific events can be made with numerology.

How to Use Free Numerology Readings

You get a reading, look through it, then go on with your life. But there can be more. More meaning. More understanding. Even if a reading meant nothing to you, the next reading could mean something.

How to Use the Baby Name Selection Tool

The baby name generation and selection tool can be used as is. It's mostly intuitive. But it has nuances that aren't readily perceived.

How Universal and Personal Numerology Energy Affect Each Other

The vibrations of the energy represented by universal numerology numbers are everywhere. Similar with the vibrations of the personal numerology numbers.

How Year and Month Cycles Affect Each Other

Every month, your numbers change. They have an effect on your year number, and vice versa.

Incompatible Name Number Benefits

There are potential benefits of having incompatible numerology numbers in a name.

Incompatible Numerology Energies

It's rare that a comprehensive numerology reading is perceived by the recipient as 100% accurate.

Incompatible Numerology Numbers

The dissonance of incompatible numbers in a numerology chart can have positive or negative effects.

Index to Numerology Company Name Information

The numerology energy represented by a company name can have an effect on the operations, the staff, and the products and services of the company.

Influence From External Numerology Energy

External or ambient numerology energy is represented by the numbers and letters associated with objects, systems, and locations outside a person.

Influence From Intrinsic Numerology Energy

There are two broad types of numerology energy. Both can influence you and your life. It is the consistently present intrinsic numerology energy this article delves into.

Influence of Personal Day, Month, and Year Numbers

The personal day, personal month, and personal year cycles have a subtle influence on your experience of life, including the types of events and circumstances that affect you.

Interpreting the Same Number in Different Ways

Numerology numbers represent energy. Each number represents an energy with a unique vibration. The same numerology energy can be interpreted in different ways

Intrinsic Numbers

In numerology, there are intrinsic numbers and there are foundation numbers.

Letter Meanings

Letters of the alphabet represent energies that may be interpreted. Thus, each letter has meaning.

Lifelong Heart's Desire

There is something about the energy represented by the heart's desire number that isn't talked about much.

Like Attracts Like

Energy attracts other energy that has a similar resonance, a similar vibration. Numerology numbers represent energy.

Likely Marriage Dates

Numerology calculations that can be used to determine likely marriage dates. They result in likely dates, not predetermined dates — because people have free will.

Living and Soaring With Numerology

Numerology is effective and relevant to you. It can help you live a better life by knowing more about yourself and your future.

Looking Into the Future

A numerologist can interpret that energy for a glimpse of the tendencies and likelihoods that will exist in the future.

Marriage Compatibility

Marriages are influenced by the individuals who are married. The numerological influences are easily calculated. In essence, the core numbers of each partner are compared to determine compatibility.

Marriage Destiny

When two people come together and create a marriage, the marriage itself has a numerology profile.

Marriage Life Path

Every marriage has a life path. Certain types of events and circumstances are attracted to the marriage more than other types of events and circumstances.

Master Number Articles Index

Master numbers represent a special and powerful energy.

Monthly Global Numerology Forecast

Similar to personal numerology charts, global energies change every month. They affect the entire world.

Most Likely True Love Dates

There are certain times that can be calculated with numerology when true love is more likely to happen than at other times.

Most Powerful Chart Numbers

'What is my number?' may be the question asked most often by people new to numerology.

Name Change for Professional Reasons

The right professional name can be tremendously important for certain professions.

Name Change Guide

The first thing to do for a name change is to decide what type of energy shall represent the new name.

Name Energy Intensification

Repetition of numbers tend to intensify the effect of the energy the number represents.

Name Numbers Affect Each Other

There are 3 major name numbers. Their energies tend to affect each other during a person's entire life.

Name Numbers You Are Missing

Missing name numbers indicate certain numerologies energies missing from a person's name.

Names for Numerology Chart Positions

Numerology calculations reveal various things -- personal characteristics and tendencies, and the types of events and circumstances likely to happen.

Naming a Company With Numerology

When naming a company with numerology, there are two approaches.

Negative Numerology

The numbers at every numerology chart position can have both positive and negative interpretations. The negative aspects are the shadow side of numerology.

Number Meanings in Your Life

Numbers represent things. They take on the meaning of the things they represent.

Numbers for Any Text

Any written work can be represented by a one-digit numerology number. In addition to the work itself, every word in any written work can be represented by a one-digit numerology number.

Numerology and Non-English Alphabets

Many numerology professionals and numerology reading software work with the English language. Yet, numerology is just as valid for names composed of non-English alphabets.

Numerology and the Good Life

Numerology can be used for a good life and a good future.

Numerology as a Guide

Numerology can be used as a guide to be consulted from time to time as life is lived — being aware of the information numerology provides in the same way one is aware of other knowledge, skills, and experience.

Numerology-assisted Gift Selection

Use numerology to find a perfect gift for a friend, co-worker, love one, or business associate.

Numerology Benefits When Birth Name or Date Are Unknown

People who are uncertain what their birth name is, or what their birth date is, can still use numerology.

Numerology Birth Date Readings

A personal numerology chart has two core numbers that are calculated from the birth date.

Numerology Chart Cycles

The birth date is used with all personal numerology chart cycle calculations, the whens and their most likely meanings. Things change.

Numerology-Compatible Titles for Books

You are an author. You wrote a book. And you want the the title of your book to resonate with the essence of what your book is about.

Numerology Cyclic Changes

All cycles obtained with traditional Pythagorean numerology calculations are addressed in this article. The timing of numerology cycles are all calculated using the birth date.

Numerology Daily Readings

Numerology Energy Attracts and Repels Life Potentials

Energies can mingle. When energy frequencies are similar, there is a resonance. When frequencies are dissimilar, there is a dissonance. Resonance attracts. Dissonance repels.

Numerology for a Happy and Successful Marriage

Numerology can reveal energies to make a happy and successful marriage more likely.

Numerology for Anything

Numerology calculations can be applied to words or written works, numbers, anything with a name or description, and any date. The calculations reveal the numerology energy the subject represents.

Numerology Influence on Company Names

The numerology energy represented by a company name is likely to influence the company's future.

Numerology Life Periods

The numerology energy present at various periods of your life change every so often. These are numerology cycles. The life period cycle is the only one that lasts for exactly 3 cycles.

Numerology Master Numbers

Master numbers can occur anywhere. Generally, however, they're significant only in the major numerology chart positions.

Numerology Name Analysis

Analyzing a name is interpreting the numerology energy represented by the name. The numerologist generally works with a minimum of three name numbers.

Numerology Name Readings

A personal numerology chart has three core numbers that are calculated from the name.

Numerology Numbers

In numerology, a number represents certain numerology energy. However, the number is not the energy itself.

Numerology Personal Day Numbers

Numerology can help you predict the tone of any of your days in the future.

Numerology Personal Month Numbers

Numerology personal month changes mean changes for you. It happens every month.

Numerology Pinnacles

Pinnacles are a roadmap of what to expect, the type of experiences we're likely to have.

Numerology Power

For power, numerology must be used which, optionally, may include being believed in.

Numerology Predictions for Year 2025

The universal energy during year 2025 will resonate with humanitarianism, tolerance, and compassion. Also generosity and holistic points of view.

Numerology Readings With Name Suffixes (Jr., Sr., II, ...)

Regarding suffixes, there is one simple rule when calculating a person's personal numerology chart: Use the name as it was first officially recorded.

Numerology Universal Year Number

The numerology universal year number represents energy that affects the whole world is, with you and me in it.

Numerology vs. Predetermination

How numerology energies affect a person and their experience of life while still honoring free will.

Open Heart Reading

The energy represented by the numerology open heart letter reveals an urge of the heart.

Personal Compatibility With Location

Some people are more compatible with certain geographic locations and less with other geographical locations.

Personal Cycles vs. Universal Cycles

There is an overlap of universal and personal yearly, monthly, and daily cycle energies.

Personal Gifts From Numerology to You

From numerology, you can get more certainty in your life — less confusion.

Predicting What Is Likely

Have you wondered what events are most likely to happen? How to know what future to prepare for?

Predicting What Is Most Likely

Predicting what is most likely, in numerology, can be compared to weather forecasting in a way.

Preparing for Predicted Challenges

The challenges are an integral aspect of comprehensive personal numerology readings. Generally not with free ones, but in many paid ones.

Pronunciation Effects

How your name is pronounced can have an effect on your life.

Psychic Numerology Interpretations

Numerology isn't psychic. But some numerologists are.

Reasons for Calculating Text Line by Line

When the numerology energy of a writing resonates with the idea the writer wants to convey, the recipient is more likely to fully understand.

Recognizing Your Edge on Life

When you recognize certain noteworthy qualities about yourself, it can give you an edge in making life decisions and determining goals.

Reducing Numerology Numbers

Multi-digit numbers generally are reduced to a single digit for numerology interpretations. The reduced number is named the foundation number.

Relationship Compatibilities

Sometimes you can sense when someone is compatible with you. Or incompatible. In life, there are relationships with people. Virtually all the time. In almost all aspects of life.

Residence Number and Street Address Compatibility

Where people live can have an effect on them — while they are physically present in their home.

Romance Relationship Compatibility

Romantic compatibility is calculated different in numerology than is marriage compatibility.

Social Security Numbers

Ellin Dodge showed me how she does numerology interpretation of Social Security numbers. The interpretation is intended to describe how the person earns his or her living. She then gave me permission to reiterate and publish the instructions and interpretations.

Street Address Numerology

The street address can have an numerological influence on people. It's a cumulative effect, the longer at the address the more pronounced the effect.

Telephone Number Meaning

Telephone numbers represent numerology energy that can be interpreted. There are 3 ways the numerology energy of a telephone number can have an effect.

The 9 Most Important Numerology Chart Positions

9 numerology chart positions are more important than the rest.

The Balance Number

The role of the numerology balance number is to provide balance during periods of life complications.

The Best Locations

Questions related to the best geographical location come up from time to time. The best locations are likely to resonate with your numerology chart.

The Challenges

Numerology provides ways to predict what some of life's challenges will be. A challenge can be a learning experience, something through which a person can gain certainty and clarity.

The Energy Represented by Single-Digit Numbers

Numbers, as themselves, have no intrinsic meaning. But numbers generally represent things that do have meaning.

The Essence Transit

The essence transit can reveal turning points and highlights of your life — past or future.

The Importance of Birthdays

There are 3 reasons the the day of birth is important in numerology, not only the day of birth, but also the birthday number and the yearly birthday,

The Meaning of Seeing the Same Numbers All the Time

Whatever the reason might be, seeing a certain number touches something inside the person.

The 'Most' and 'Least' Important Numerology Numbers

Some numerology chart numbers are more important than others.

The Most Important Thing About Numerology

The most important thing for using numerology is understanding that numerology energy has an influence, but does not dictate.

The Name and Birth Date Bridge Number

A reason quality of life doesn't depend on name number and birthdate number compatibility is the bridge number.

The Name Influence

Name energy has an influence on a person — perhaps different than expected.

The Potential of Master Numbers

A master number brings additional numerology energy. There is no requirement that the master number energy is used or applied.

The Power Number

Something happens about midlife — your power energy comes into force. The power energy is represented by your power number.

The Power of Minor Influence

The energies of minor influences need to be respected because they are always present. And, they can have considerable effect on a person's life.

The Scary Unknown

The unknown can be scary because details about the future can not be known with certainty until it is lived.

The Source of Happiness

While a numerology chart can guide, it isn't the source of happiness.

The Strength of Lucky Numbers

A person's numerology lucky numbers have various strengths. It has to do with position and repetition.

The Substance of Numerology

The substance of numerology is the energy that numerology interpretations are based on.

The True Value of Numerology

The real value of numerology is in the tendencies and likelihoods it can reveal.

This Day's Numbers

Some personal numerology chart numbers change as time goes on. And some don't.

Types of Numerology Predictions

Numerology can be used to predict the types of events that are likely to happen during a person's entire life, or during certain periods of their life.

Universal Influence Cycles

The universe has several cycles of energy that can be calculated with numerology. The cycles can have an effect on us, directly and indirectly.

Unreliable Use of Numerology

Numerology is information. It can be misunderstood or misapplied. But it can not be coerced.

Unsatisfied Desire

A desire often referred to as the soul's urge or the inner urge is a deep, heart-felt desire.

Vehicle Numerology

The numerology energy influence represented by the numbers and letters that compose your vehicle's identification can be calculated and interpreted.

Ways Daily and Monthly Numerology Readings Affect Each Other

Personal numerology day and month meanings always relate to each other somehow.

What Are Your Talents?

Numerology can reveal at least some of your talents through your numerology profile. The first letter of your name reveals much about your talents, where they lie and how they might be utilized to better fulfill the potential.

What Makes Something Auspicious in Numerology

When numbers resonate with what one wants, the events or circumstances they refer to are auspicious.

What Numerology Is Not

Some people have inaccurate concepts about what numerology is. This article will address some misconceptions that a professional numerologist notices.

What Personal Year Changes Do

Although it is not a sudden switch, every year the numerology personal year energy changes.

When Are You Likely to Get Married?

'When will I get married?' is asked a lot, especially by young people approaching marriage age.

When Is a Master Number a Master Number?

The numbers 11, 22, and 33 aren't always master numbers. In fact, often they aren't.

When I Will Get Married

Certain calculations can be done to see which dates are more likely for marriage and which dates less likely.

Where Is the Shocking Part of Numerology?

Your numerology reading probably will be contain you weren't consciously aware of. But shocking? Probably not - unless it is something revealed about your future that would have been shocking if you hadn't known about it in advance. Events may be shocking when they are sudden and unprepared for.

Who Says Which Numbers Are Lucky?

In numerology, lucky numbers are the result of calculations — mathematical calculations.

Why Numerology Readings Vary

Although numerology readings often vary from one numerologist to another, and from one report to another, it is not a legitimate reason to consider any of them to be more right than the rest.

Working With Multi-digit Numbers

Numerology is about any and all numbers. Find out how to determine meanings for multi-digit numbers.

Yearly Global Numerology Forecast

There are global numerology energies that affect the entire world. They provide a nudge for certain types of events and circumstances to occur.

Year-to-Year Changes

Year-to-year changes aren't sudden. There's a gradual transition.

Your Advantage When Meeting Someone

With just a little knowledge about numerology, you have a huge advantage when meeting someone.

Your Capstone

The numerology capstone letter represents energy related to the cap or final act of projects, tasks, goal pursuit, personal business, and relationships.

Your Cornerstone Letter

The numerology cornerstone letter represents the energy that most influences how a person approaches life.

Your Heart's Desire Number

The energy represented by the heart's desire number of your numerology chart describes an inner urge a person is born with; a perpetual motivation.

Your Hidden Passion Number

When numbers in a name are repeated, the energies they represent are intensified. Thus, the number repeated most often indicates the hidden passion.

Your Life Path Number

The life path is the most reliable numerology chart position to predict the general types of events and circumstances likely to occur as a person lives life.

Your Numerology Chart Destiny Number

It's impossible not to achieve your destiny. It relates to the person you know yourself to be and the person you tend to become more of.

Your Numerology Colors

Your name has its own colors. Your birth date, too. Every letter and every number is associated with a color.

Your Numerology for Any Day

Every day has a different resonance. Usually, the day-to-day differences are small. Occasionally, a difference is quite large and may have a pronounced effect.

Your Personality Number

The energy represented by the personality number of your numerology chart provides a glimpse into the real you.

Your Personal Year Number

Your personal year number changes every year -- when the calendar year changes. Depending on the number that changed, it may be unsettling.

Your Personal Years, Months, and Days

Here are calculation instructions for personal day, personal month, and personal year numbers that tend to influence every day of your life.

Your Quiescent-self Number

The numerology quiescent-self number is about what you consider to be an ideal life experience.

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