Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Company Name Number Meanings
With numerology, company names have meanings.
The numerology energy the name represents can have an effect on the company.
Company name numbers are calculated using the letters and numbers in the name (letters having numerical values). The energies represented by the resulting numbers are then interpreted for meaning.
Numerology energy generally is interpreted to address a matter being discussed or a focus of concern. Addressing a different aspect is likely to have a different interpretation.
Products and services related to adventure and traveling would tend to work well with a company name number 5. The 5 represents energy that resonates with wit, curiosity, and expression of a personal sense of freedom.
A company with that same name number 5, however, might not be able to function to its full potential in an environment of heavy government regulation.
This article addresses the types of products and services that resonate with company name meanings interpreted from the name number energy.
As a point that may be of interest, company name number calculations differ from personal name number calculations.
Both company and personal name calculations do additions with numbers and letter values in the names.
But company names don't have separate calculations for personality and heart's desire numbers; those imply conscious presentation of self and inner desire, respectively.
Nor do company name calculations result in master numbers; master numbers imply conscious determination.
When a company name resonates with the products and services it provides, it tends to attract circumstances that make the company's economic success more likely.
Although the numerology number energies may be indicative of economic success, it doesn't guarantee success. The actions of those who manage the company and the company's employees determine in large part whether or not the company is successful.
The company name generally doesn't matter as much as a person might spontaneously assume. However, its energy does have a numerology force of its own and generally it is prudent to make the effort to get it right.
A fortuitous company name is likely to make success easier to obtain. But it still doesn't happen automatically.
Company Name Number Energy Meanings
Here are succinct interpretations of basic numerology company name numbers 1 through 9 energies, with a focus on products and services.
For more comprehensive interpretations, use the company name reading tool with your company name. (Or use the best company name tool to help choose which of several names you are considering.)
Company Name Number 1 —
An interpretation of energy the number 1 represents includes exploration, aloneness, independence, self-determination, and self-sufficiency.
Compatible products and services relate to, as examples: Research, self-sufficiency and survival skills, and exploration (geographical, scientific, or other areas subject to exploration).
Company Name Number 2 —
An interpretation of energy the number 2 represents includes relationships, teamwork, companionship, coexistence, and diplomacy.
Compatible products and services relate to, as examples: Romance, marriage, and diplomacy.
Company Name Number 3 —
An interpretation of energy the number 3 represents includes creative self-expression, social interaction, optimism, tolerance, and inspiration.
Compatible products and services relate to, as examples: Social gatherings and entertainment, artistic displays, architecture, landscaping, interior decoration, music, and creative design.
Company Name Number 4 —
An interpretation of energy the number 4 represents includes focus, building a foundation for the future, conscientiousness, method, and pragmatism.
Compatible products and services relate to, as examples: Accounting and bookkeeping, real estate, software programming, construction, protection/
Company Name Number 5 —
An interpretation of energy the number 5 represents includes expression of a personal sense of freedom, sensuality, curiosity, wit, and adventure.
Compatible products and services relate to, as examples: Travel, vacation planning, publishing, photography, audio/
Company Name Number 6 —
An interpretation of energy the number 6 represents includes family, nurture, harmony, home, idealism, and healing.
Compatible products and services relate to, as examples: Medical and other health-related fields, food, home-related products and services (including home real estate and apartment management), farms and gardens, hospitality, and pre-owned goods.
Company Name Number 7 —
An interpretation of energy the number 7 represents includes introspection, analysis, spirituality, intuitiveness, and wisdom.
Compatible products and services relate to, as examples: Investigation services, science, antiques, new age/
Company Name Number 8 —
An interpretation of energy the number 8 represents includes building, business, realism, efficiency, organizing, and balance.
Compatible products and services relate to, as examples: Legal services, finance, business services, commercial enterprises, and investment management.
Company Name Number 9 —
An interpretation of energy the number 9 represents includes humanitarianism, compassion, philanthropy, idealism, and tolerance.
Compatible products and services relate to, as examples: Community services, relief organization, shipping, theater, and fund raising.
Available Tools
There are two tools that may help you with your company name:
If you already have a company name, or wish to compare company names, use the company name reading tool for interpretations of the energy the company name represents.
To help choose which of several names you are considering, use the best company name tool.
A fortuitous company name resonates with the products and services it provides and with its customers.
For more information about choosing company names with numerology, see the articles linked at the company names index.