Affinity Numerology : Personal Numerology Reading
Calculator for Professional Numerologists
This is a numerology numbers calculator for professional numerologists.
The calculator (further below) provides only the numbers, no interpretations. The numbers may be used to compose your own reading interpretations.
The numbers are calculated with the Pythagorean method, not the Chaldean or other methods.
To use the calculator, provide the name and birth date, or just one or the other, and click the button. The calculated results appear below the button.
You might refer to certain calculations by numerology chart names different than what the calculator states — the same number, the same position in the chart, different name. What you see in the calculated results are the names used by this website.
A special note regarding the challenges is further below.
Pythagorean method numerologists tend to use one of two distinct methods for calculating the challenges.
The delineated method —
The challenges timing is consistent with the pinnacle cycles timing. The challenges calculations use the same numbers as for pinnacle calculations, but subtraction is used instead of addition.
The overlapped method —
The challenges timing is one challenge number for the entire life (sometimes referred to as the "main" or "major" challenge) and three challenge numbers somewhat consistent with life period cycles timing, but overlapping by a year.
The main challenge number is subtraction of the same numbers that the third pinnacle calculation uses. The other three challenge numbers are subtraction of the same numbers that the first, second, and fourth pinnacle calculations use, respectively.
Here is the form for the calculator.
Professional numbers will be placed here.