Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Names for Numerology Chart Positions

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Numerology calculations on a name and the person's birth date can reveal different types of things. These are related to personal characteristics and tendencies, and the types of events and circumstances likely to happen as the person lives life.

Each item calculated has a name given to it. The name refers to aq numerology chart position. And each position represents energy that a numerologist may interpret.

When the items are presented in a visual manner — on paper or in an app, as examples — the result is referred to as a numerology chart.

Each item on the chart has a name.

And therein can come confusion. The same chart position may be referred to by different names.

Further, a specific name may be used for different chart postions. As an example, "Destiny" is used by some for the birth date number and by others as the name number. (This website uses "Destiny" for the position occupied in the chart by the most important name number.)

This article is an attempt to remove confusion stemming from the apparent haphazard naming.

There is no official numerology organization that all professional numerologists adhere to. Thus, names of chart positions are up to individual numerologists.

One numerologist may refer to a certain chart position as one name and another numerologist as another name. It is the same chart position, regardless what name it is referred to as.

It is the energy represented by the chart position, not the name assigned to the position, that determines the position's interpretation.

When a professional numerologist interprets the energy of a chart position, their interpretation is affected by how they view or understand the energy. The position name is unlikely to affect the interpretation.

The positions are named according to the numerologist's understanding of the energy they represent or how their mentor named the position.

Be all that as it may, most numerologists have similar-meaning names for most numerology chart positions, each name a reflection of the energy represented by the position.

This table lists numerology chart positions that are referred to by various names.

Calculation DataPosition Names
Name (all letters)"Destiny"
"Ultimate Goal"
"Integrated Self"
Name Vowels"Heart's Desire"
"Soul's Urge"
"Inner Urge"
Name Consonants"Personality"
"Quiescent Self"
"Inner Dreams"
Name and Birth Date"Power"
Birth Date"Life Path"
Birth Day of Month"Psychic Number"
"Birth Number"
"Ruling Number"
Birth Day, Month, and Year"Life Period Cycle"
"Life Cycle"
"Period Cycle"
First Letter of Name"Cornerstone"
"Innate Talents"
"Inner Talents"

Because the same numerology chart position can be referred to with different names, use the above chart when a numerologist's name for a position seems unfamiliar.

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