Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Facts About Name and Birth Date Compatibility
The two most important personal numerology chart numbers are the birth date number and the name number. Formally, they are called the life path number and the destiny number.
For some people, those two numbers are compatible. For others, incompatible.
Many people want their birth date and name to be compatible.
As strange as it may seem, the more compatible the birth date and name numbers, the less variety of experiences the person tends to have. Opportunities tend to be limited to the resonance of the energy represented by the compatible numbers.
Contrarily, the more dissonance between the birth date and name numbers, the more likely the person is to have a broad variety of experience and learning. The energies represented by the numbers attract a wider field of opportunities.
Incompatibility attracts depth to a person's life experiences.
Still, birth date and name compatibility is desired by some, especially by those who prefer a less exciting life.
A person's name can be changed (although a resonance of the energy represented by the birth name remains with a person their entire life). But the birth date can not be changed.
Thus, to gain more birth date and name compatibility, the name can be changed.
There is a free, online calculator to help with that, the Name and Birth Date Compatibility tool.
The calculator can be used to determine the compatibility of your birth date with your current name.
If you wish to replace your name for a more compatible one, the calculator can calculate the compatibility of the names you have in mind. It will accept as many names as you want to know the compatibility of.
How Compatible Birth Date and Name Numbers Work
When two numbers are compatible, their similar vibrations tend to blend. As an example, when the life path or the destiny is the number 4 (a focus on security) and other is the number 6 (a focus on family), the energies represented by those two chart positions tend to blend together. The result is likely to be a family security focus.
Family security then tends to be the person's primary focus.
Things not having to do with family security are unlikely to be noticed or are likely to be dismissed either as inapplicable to the person's life or as irrelevant to whatever issue the person is wanting to solve.
The person's life and attention tend to be narrowed to the idea of family security. Travel, humanitarianism, new-experience exploration, wild parties, and teamwork (as examples) are unlikely to be accommodated unless an aspect of those are recognized by the person as applying to family security.
Many types of opportunities can be within the person's environment. For the person with these chart numbers, the ones related to family security are most likely to be noticed.
How Incompatible Birth Date and Name Numbers Work
Let's use the highly incompatible numbers 4 and 5 for this example — either the life path or the destiny is the number 4 and the other is the number 5.
The energy represented by the 4, as we learned further above, has a focus on security. The energy represented by the number 5, on the other hand, has a focus on expressing personal freedom. Security is an antithesis of personal freedom.
You see a similar antithesis with the internet, with families, and even with governments. The more secure a website or internet connection is, the less freedom of movement you have. The more secure a family is, the less likely freedom of expression is approved of. The more secure a government makes itself within it's own country, the less personal freedom its people have.
Little, if any, blending is accomplished with that dissonance. Security and expression of personal freedom just don't mix.
Dissonance of the two most important numerology numbers, the birth date number and the name number, has a tremendous influence on a person's life experience.
With both security and personal freedom in the forefront, both types of circumstances and situations are attracted and likely to be experienced. One day there might be a focus on establishing a solid career. The next day, expression of personal freedom on a whim.
The dissonance makes acceptance of other points of view more likely. That acceptance can be a cornerstone for acceptance of other differences encountered in life.
Diverse experience tends to make a person broad minded.
With a broader range of experience and acceptance, more types of opportunities are likely to be recognized.
Which is Best?
What's best generally is what a person was born with. It's the resonance the person is used to.
If you wish to see what numbers are compatible or incompatible with other numbers, see the Compatibility of Number Energy article.
If you wish to see how much compatibility or incompatibility your own birth date and name numbers are, the Name List/Birth Date Compatibility Calculator can be used.
People are used to their own point of view. It can be hard for a compatible-numbered person to imagine the conflicts, and the satisfactions of resolving them, that an incompatible-numbered person experiences. Conversely, the incompatible-numbered person may find it hard to imagine the obviousness for the firm stance often expressed by the compatible-numbered person.
Every person has a unique outlook on life and experiences life differently than any other person.
Although their effect is profound, it's not just the birth date and name numbers that affect how life is experienced. It's also all the other numbers that make up a numerology chart.