Affinity Numerology : Often Asked Numerology Questions
What a Numerology Chart Is
A personal numerology chart can have many positions. Each position is represented by either a number or a letter, or several numbers or letters.
This article talks about traditional numerology charts using Pythagorean numerology.
Pre-internet and pre-computers, numerologists had physically-drawn charts with places to write the result of certain calculations. The places were positions on the chart that the numerologist could glance at while providing interpretations for an individual they were giving a reading for.
The term "positions" stayed with us.
Now, with computers and internet and multi-media phones and other devices, all capable of being used for numerology readings, the various types of calculation results are still called "positions". And numerology readings that are accompanied with the numbers of calculation results often are still referred to as "numerology charts".
A numerology chart with today's technology is a screen or document with numerology calculation results. Or, a numerology reading with both interpretations and calculation results.
The number of positions depends on the numerology chart. Free readings, such as the ones you get online, generally present only a few positions and succinct interpretations. Paid readings often have most or even all positions elaborately interpreted.
Almost all numerology charts have at least two positions, the destiny and life path. Most have other positions, as well, even many free readings.
This article talks about the positions you're most likely to find in a numerology chart.
Numerology Chart Positions and Descriptions
Below are the names and descriptions of numerology chart positions. (The first five are core number position.)
This is one of the two most important core number positions.
The position represents the person's character, the type of person they are and are destined to become more of.
Calculated with: The full birth name.
Life Path
This is second of the two most important core number positions.
The position represents events and circumstances likely to happen intermittently or persistently during the person's lifetime.
Calculated with: The full birth date.
Birth Day
This is a core number position.
The position represents the person's perspective and the approach they tend to take when pursuing goals and opportunities.
Calculated with: The birth day.
Heart's Desire
This is a core number position.
The position represents the person's heart-felt desires, the incentives that motivate how they live life.
Calculated with: The vowels of the birth name.
This is a core number position.
It represents the person's outer self, how they present themself to others.
Calculated with: The consonants of the birth name.
Quiescent Self
The person's image of themself, their motivation, and their life circumstances when all outside influences are removed.
Calculated with: The consonants of the birth name.
This position represents the type of life achievement the person is likely to reach. The energy of this position generally asserts itself about middle age.
Calculated with: The full birth name and the full birth date.
This chart position represents an energy that influences how a person approaches life's opportunities and obstacles.
Calculated with: The first letter of the first given name.
The capstone position represents how the person tends to see projects and ideas through to the end, how they finish personal business, projects, and other things of personal concern in their life — how they wind things up.
Calculated with: The last letter of the first given name.
Open Heart
This position reveals an urge of the heart from deep within, often felt as an emotional urge rather than a logical urge.
Calculated with: The first vowel of the first given name.
Pinnacle Cycles
The pinnacles have four positions, one for each pinnacle cycle. The cycles tend to provide additional energy supporting the destiny number.
Calculated with: Various combinations of the birth day, birth month, and birth year.
Life Period Cycles
The life periods have three positions, one for each life period cycle. The cycles tend to provide additional energy supporting the life path number.
Calculated with: The birth day, the birth month, and the birth year, one for each life period cycle.
There are 4 challenges in the numerology chart, each with its own position on the chart. The challenges represent the types of events and circumstances that are likely to want the person's attention.
Calculated with: Various combinations of the birth day, birth month, and birth year.
Essence Transit
The position's energy is related to who and what the person is. The current essence is likely to affect the person's decisions, how they feel about themself, and their approach to life. The transit number can change yearly or remain the same for a number of years.
Calculated with: The full birth name and the full birth date.
Personal Year
The personal year number represents the general types of events and circumstances likely to happen during the calendar year.
Calculated with: The birth month, the birth day, and the calendar year.
Personal Month
The personal month number represents the general types of events and circumstances likely to happen during the month.
Calculated with: The personal year number and the calendar month.
Personal Day
The day year number represents the general types of events and circumstances likely to happen during the day.
Calculated with: The personal month number and the calendar day.
The Chart
The above shows that a full numerology chart can have many positions. The core positions, listed first, are the most important. But all are important in the sense that the energy they represent can affect the person the chart was made for.
See the diagrammed numerology chart for an idea what the paper charts might look like.
As indicated earlier, the chart positions a reading comes with depends on the reading. Free readings will virtually never include all the above positions. Paid readings generally present most of the positions.