Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

The Challenges

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Numerology provides ways to predict what some of life's challenges are likely to be. The predictions are the tone or type of challenges rather than specific events or circumstances.

A challenge can be a learning experience, something through which a person can gain certainty and clarity.

You are being challenged to know more about yourself, to gain skills, experience, and confidence.

Challenges revealed with numerology are not an indication of a lack. Instead, they are an indication of special traits or talents. These can be accepted and grown into, becoming a foundation for increased happiness and life satisfaction.

If rejected, a challenge can be experienced as a difficulty in life. Therefore, the challenges are something it's prudent to pay attention to — to be aware of and to experience for the self-discoveries.

Challenge calculations can help identify the energies so they can be addressed and dealt with more easily. Without them, a person can be surprised and unprepared.

There are two ways challenge can be calculated. The two ways are as practiced by various numerologists who base their calculations on Pythagorean numerology.

Both challenge calculation methods are based on the birth date. And both methods calculate to the same four numbers. But the numbers have different periods of effectiveness.

There's a calculator for each method.

  • The Life Challenges Delineated Calculator calculates the four challenge numbers applied to four cycles, each delineated within a certain period of the person's life. The periods are back-to-back, none overlapping another.

  • The Life Challenges Overlapped Calculator calculates the four challenge numbers, all overlapping. Three of the numbers apply to three cycles, overlapping each other. The other number applies to the person's entire life.

Regardless which method is employed, the interpretations for the calculated numbers are virtually the same.

Challenge number 0

This challenge can represent all, anything, or nothing. It varies from individual to individual. There may be one or more big challenges with corresponding opportunities for growth or seemingly no challenges at all. Meeting the challenges may require ongoing love and compassion and helpfulness.

Challenge number 1

There are likely to be feelings of being held down, of being opposed, by those with stronger wills or by family relatives. The person's quick wit and self-determination that often accompany this challenge number can be cultivated to a broader expression of life purpose — something rebellion or blaming others wouldn't accomplish.

Challenge number 2

The person is likely to be highly sensitive, perhaps with lack of self-confidence and feelings of subordination. There's likely to be an intelligence and understanding of the finer relationships of life. Cultivating harmony and decorum can result in feelings of usefulness and enhanced self-confidence.

Challenge number 3

There's likely to be a barrier to the full expression of the creative imagination and artistic talent that generally accompany this challenge. Although the barrier will vary from individual to individual, it's often a strong dislike of personal criticism. It may instead be self-repression, or some other barrier.

Growing through this challenge may be done by bringing out and expressing the talents and learning to be a real friend interested in others as much as in the self.

Challenge number 4

Practicality and a sense of values generally lie deep in the nature of this challenge. They may be inhibited by too many changes, restlessness, or going from one thing to another without permanent accomplishment.

There may be a deep desire to manifest a specific idea or concept. Certainly there's the ability to face life with integrity. Doing so in spite of inhibitions is likely to be a growing experience.

Challenge number 5

This challenge resists what is perceived as confinement, when the desire to be elsewhere is thwarted, and has a need to experience change and express a sense of personal freedom. To be willing to accept responsibility for consequences of following whim and to honor commitments can provide the craved fun and variety within a rich life.

Challenge number 6

There may be a dominance or possessiveness with domestic relations or, contrarily, a meekness that tends to prevent fulfilling partnerships. This challenge is generally accompanied with an appreciation for harmony in sound, shape, and color. Expressing artistic talents, along with moderating possessiveness and the need to be dominant can lead to a personal growth experience.

Challenge number 7

The challenge associated with this number generally is to dig deep into the reservoir of self and bring the knowledge and understanding to the surface. From there, to use it for the good of humanity. There may be repression of feelings, personal reserve, or a sense of pride that holds a person back.

Breaking through, being true to the challenge, can result in seeing the world with new perspectives, including the ability to know the real from the false in business and other relationships.

Challenge number 8

The challenge may bring opposition and frustration in business and interpersonal relationships. With integrity, good motives, and ambition, the challenge can be conquered. The result is likely a good position in the world as a businessperson and being perceived as a wise counselor.

What the Challenges Are

The challenges point to likely circumstances or tendencies. They are opportunities to become more or better than a person would otherwise be. Ignoring them negates the opportunity.

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