Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Core Numbers of Numerology
The core of something is its center. The core numbers of numerology represent two things:
Details about a person upon which the person's numerology chart is built.
Numerology energies with the biggest impact on a person's life.
There are various opinions on what is and is not a core number. Professional practitioners of traditional Pythagorean numerology generally agree that there are either two or five core numbers.
When it comes right down to it, "core" is a label. The energy a number represents at certain positions of a numerology chart doesn't change depending on whether it is or is not labeled as a core number.
In this article, I'll discuss the relevance and importance of each of the two and the five core numbers and the energy they represent.
Each of the core number positions has a high likelihood of substantial influence and impact on a person's life.
There are specialized readings focused on certain things. Examples are street address readings, marriage compatibility readings, and readings to find auspicious dates for certain planned events.
The core numbers addressed here are for traditional or general numerology readings, which may be short free readings or comprehensive paid readings.
Like many postions of a numerology chart, these core positions are known by various names. The core status of a chart position is independent of the name it has. Rather, the core status of a position is determined by what information is used to calculate the numbers for the position.
The Two Core Numbers
The two most important numbers in a numerology chart is the basic information about a person upon which the person's numerology chart is built.
That information is the birth name number and the birth date number. The two numbers represent the energy that can influence all other number positions in the chart. They are the core.
One of the two core numbers represents the person themself. The other represent's the person's path through life.
All calculations for the entire chart use either the name or the date (and, in some instances, both).
The Birth Name Core Number
All name-related chart positions are calculated using the person's name.
The core birth name number is the destiny number. It is considered to be a core number by virtually all professional numerologists.
The destiny number represents the numerology energy related to who and what a person is, and will evolve into or become more of — the essence of the individual a person recognizes as themself.
The Birth Date Core Number
Similar to the birth name core number, all date-related chart positions are calculated using the person's birth date. It is considered to be a core number by virtually all professional numerologists.
The core birth date number is the life path number.
The life path number represents the numerology energy related to events and circumstances likely to manifest persistently or intermittently during a person's entire life.
The Five Core Numbers
Two of the five core numbers are the two core numbers addressed in the previous section, the birth name and the birth date numbers. The rest of the five are addressed in this section.
One of these is based on the birth date. The other two are based on the birth name. They are specialized aspects of the core numbers already addressed.
The Birth Day Core Number
This number is calculated from the day of birth, the calendar day part of the birth date. It is the person's birth day number, a number with a special interpretation.
The energy represented by the birth day number resonates as a perspective, with how opportunities and challenges are viewed and approached, and with the strongest abilities and talents.
It is a life-long influence.
The Vowels Core Number
This number is calculated from the vowels of a person's birth name. It is the person's heart's desire number.
It is calculated from an aspect of the name and, thus, is related to who and what the person is and their outlook on life.
The energy represented by the heart's desire number imparts an inner urge experienced from birth to transition — a perpetual motivation and a source of personal values. The energy is often what drives the person, a foundation upon which decisions and actions are based.
The Consonants Core Number
This number is calculated from the consonants of a person's birth name. It is the person's personality number.
It is an aspect of the name related to who and what the person is, the individual they recognize as themself.
The energy represented by the personality number provides a glimpse into how the person perceives themself. It can also influence how a person presents themself to the world and how they approach life. It is this energy that often provides the essence of a first impression people have of the person.
The Core Numbers
The core numbers calculator can be used to calculate each of the core numbers mentioned here.
The core numbers are the ones in position to have the most influence on the energy represented by a person's numerology chart and, thus, on the person themself.