Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Residence Number and Street Address Compatibility
Where people live can have an effect on them — while they are physically present in their home.
The effect is from the energy represented by the flat/
When the residence energy resonates with the energies of the person's personal numerology chart, the person and the residence are compatible. The person is likely to be more comfortable while at home than they would be with dissonant residence energy.
There are degrees of compatibility. A person's residence may be 100% compatible or mostly compatible. Or, incompatible.
The influence the residence energy has on a person is subtle, but cumulative. It is unlikely to be noticed at first. There tends to be a gradual assimilation of the energy influence.
The longer a person lives in a residence, the more likely the person is to experience at least some influence of the residence energies. Short-term visitors are unlikely to be affected.
Residence energy is external to the energies represented by the numbers in the personal numerology chart — which is why the influence exists only while the person is within that residence.
Two Types of Numerology Energy Influence
In numerology, there are two distinct types of influence, intrinsic and ambient.
Intrinsic influence: This is the influence found in a person's numerology chart. The influence is from the energies represented by the numbers calculated with a person's name and birth date. The intrinsic energy article has more information about this.
Ambient influence: This is the influence of things outside a person — like house numbers and street addresses where a person spends a good amount of time. Telephone numbers and vehicle plates or license numbers are additional examples of ambient influence. The external energy article has more information about this.
Compatibility depends on how well the intrinsic influence resonates with the ambient influence.
For residence numbers and street addresses, compatibility is calculated by relating certain name numbers with the residence number and/or the residence street address.
Generally, ambient influences have less effect than intrinsic influences.
Intrinsic influence relates to the nature or essence of a person. Ambient influence is in the person's immediate area, not an intrinsic part of a person.
Although a higher compatibility makes a good experience more likely, the residents themselves have more to do with the quality of the home than the residence number or address does.
Free Online Calculator
Residence Number and Street Address Compatibility Calculator is the free online calculator.
With the calculator, specify the name or names of the people who live there. Also provide the residence flat/
When submitted, the calculator responds with a compatibility percentage and an interpretation of the influence for what you provided.