Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Influence From Intrinsic Numerology Energy
There are two broad types of numerology energy. Both can influence you and your life.
One of the broad types is always consistently present. It is the intrinsic numerology energy this article delves into.
The other broad type of numerology energy changes as a person moves to different locations or does different actions. These are external influences. They are described in the Influence From External Numerology Energy article.
Intrinsic and external numerology energy can affect each other. But temporarily. The reason is that the intrinsic energy is always present and the external energy tends to be transient and affect no long-term or strong influence.
The rest of this article is specifically about intrinsic numerology energy influence — with examples of how the influences can manifest.
Intrinsic numerology energy influence is determined by calculations using a person's name and birth date. The calculation results represent specific numerology energy.
The influence is from the energy's resonance, which tends to attract things — events, ideas, points of view, etc — with a harmonious vibration. Conversely, it tends to push away things with a dissonant vibration.
How the energy is interpreted depends on the numerology chart position the calculation was done for. The interpretation indicates the type of influence the numerology energy is likely to have.
The following examples are based on names and birth dates of the example people, a fictive family occasionally referred to in this website when examples seem relevant.
Numerology influence is subtle, a gentle push or inclination that is easily overridden by willpower. But it does generally have sufficient persistence to make a difference.
Example: The Cornerstone Chart Position
The cornerstone numerology chart position's influence is from the energy represented by the first letter of a name.
Daiy Jane Fictive's cornerstone influence is represented by the letter D. Its influence attracts efficiency and methodology when focused on doing a task. It also attracts determination.
Because the cornerstone chart position represents a way that a person tends to approach life, Daiy tends to be pragmatic about situations she encounters and things she does. Examples:
When driving, for example, she tends to travel a route determined before she sat behind the steering wheel.
Grocery shopping tends to be accomplished by following a shopping list, with rarely an impulse purchase.
Example: The Life Path Chart Position
The life path numerology chart position's influence is from the energy represented by a calculation using the birth date numbers.
Dusky John Alvin Fictive was born on February 11, 1962 and his life path number is the master number 22. The master number 22 influence attracts events and circumstances, either repetitively or persistently, that relate to the physical manifestation of dreams and goals, including formalizing methods to reach the goals.
Because the life path position represents a type of events and circumstances that tend to manifest in Dusky's life, he tends to experience situations that call for making things happen. Examples:
When the lawn needs mowing or the car washed or other chore needs to be done, Dusky tends to go ahead and do it — and do it in the way he always does it.
When a new goal is established, saving money for another car for example, Dusky is likely to write up a set of steps that will accomplish the accumulation of the necessary funds.
(Dusky and Daiy work well together as a married couple when doing what it takes to get something done — his life path number and her cornerstone letter are compatible with a methodical and pragmatic approach to things.)
Example: The Destiny Chart Position
The destiny numerology chart position's influence is from the energy represented by a calculation of the numerical values of a name.
Sunrise Fictive's destiny number is the number 8. The number 8 influence attracts personal characteristics related to professionalism, money and material accumulation, and an inclination to adopt goals that will benefit others.
Because the destiny position represents who and what Sunrise is, her characteristics as a person, the essence of the individual she recognize as herself, she tends to see the world and attract people and situations according to the resonance of the energy represented by her destiny number. Examples:
When Sunrise knows she will meet someone or plans on attending an event where meeting someone new is likely, she tends to be clean, wear nice clothes, and conduct herself in a professional manner.
Business tends to come easy to her. When the fulfilment of a deal or agreement has possibilities of profit and/or contributing to society, she generally notices the potential.
Example: The Heart's Desire Chart Position
The heart's desire numerology chart position's influence is from the energy represented by a calculation of the numerical values of the vowels of a name.
Neight John Fictive's heart's desire number is the number 7. The number 7 influence attracts a desire for characteristics and abilities related to having clear intuition and the ability to solve mysteries and find answers within.
Because the heart's desire position represents an inner urge Neight is likely to experience, his life decisions tend to be made according to that desire. The desire tends to be there even when what's desired is already manifested, perhaps even in abundance. Examples:
When Neight had a choice of college majors, economics or psychology, the heart's desire energy contributed to him making the choice of psychology.
Neight tends to be more attracted to libraries than to sports, more to philosophical discussions than to social activity, and more to maps than to theme parks.
Getting Involved With the Influences
Every numerology chart position has an influence.
Knowing what the various influences are can help a person understand why certain tendencies seem to persist — why certain things tend to come up again and again. And it can help a person forecast or predict what is likely to present itself in the future.
Getting involved with an influence means, first of all, understanding what the influence is. Then, being more or less attuned to it, being aware of the influence while life is being lived.
Involvement is a conscious determination, with freewill, whether to encourage it, let it be as it is, or discourage it.
A good place to start is with The 9 Most Important Numerology Chart Positions. Then, online and free numerology tools and calculators can be used to see what influences are found at other positions of your numerology chart.