Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
The 9 Most Important Numerology Chart Positions
The numerology chart has many positions. Each position has a number arrived at with numerology calculations.
But 9 of the numerology chart positions are more important than the rest.
They are more important because of at least one of two reasons:
The position has more influence than other positions in the numerology chart.
Calculating another chart position relies on the number at the more important position.
Each of the 9 most important numerology chart positions are described further below.
Generally, when you get a full, complete reading, all numerology chart positions are considered when composing your report. But when you get a free reading, only some chart positions are addressed.
Even if you only get free readings, you can still get readings for all of the 9 most important positions that the free reading didn't address.
Links to individual free online readings for each of the 9 most important positions accompany their descriptions below.
A List of the Most Important Chart Positions
Here are the 9 most important positions. They are not listed according to importance because some share the same importance.
- Destiny
- Life Path
- Personality
- Heart's Desire
- Life Period Cycle
- Pinnacle Cycle
- Challenges
- Birth Day
- Power
Each of the positions on the list are addressed in this article. Each contains a link to an article with expanded information. And also a link to a free online calculator you can use to get your own reading for the position.
Other numbers or chart positions may seem more important from time to time. Especially shorter cycles, the personal year for example, when the cycle introduces an energy with a dissonance to the energies of the important positions.
In those cases, because the energy is new, it's likely to be noticed more. But it's for a relatively short period. And, although noticed more, the new energy isn't necessarily more powerful than the important energies a person is used to and tends to no longer notice in particular.
All chart positions are important. In general, the important positions described here are stronger, having more energy, than other chart positions. Or they are important because calculation of other positions rely on their numbers for completion.
I. The Destiny Chart Position (calculator)
The destiny energy is related to who and what you are, the essence of the individual you recognize as yourself — including your approach to life and how you view it.
The destiny number is calculated from the value of the letters of your name.
II. The Life Path Chart Position (calculator)
The life path energy describes events and circumstances likely to manifest during your life. Some of the circumstances may occur frequently. Others may be persistent.
The life path number is calculated from your birth date.
III. The Personality Chart Position (calculator)
The personality energy provides a glimpse into the real you, things about yourself that you are likely to be comfortable revealing to people when you first meet them.
The personality number is calculated from the value of the consonants of your name.
IV. The Heart's Desire Chart Position (calculator)
The heart's desire energy pertains to the things you really, really want to have, be, or accomplish. Full attainment may feel elusive even if it's being attained.
The heart's desire number is calculated from the value of the vowels of your name.
V. The Life Period Cycle Chart Position (calculator)
The life period energy attracts events and circumstances that occur frequently or are persistent during the period of the cycle. There are three life period cycles, their energy coming into force consecutively.
The life period cycle timing and the number that represents each cycle's energy are calculated from your birth date.
VI. The Pinnacle Cycle Chart Position (calculator)
The pinnacle energy affects the way you see yourself and how you approach the events and circumstances attracted by the energy. There are four pinnacle cycles, their energy coming into force consecutively.
The pinnacle cycle timing and the number that represents each cycle's energy are calculated from your birth date.
VII. The Challenges Chart Position (calculator 1) (calculator 2)
The challenge energy is a way to predict the tone or types of some of life's challenges. There's a number representing the energy of a life-long challenge, and three challenge cycles with energies coming into force consecutively.
The life-long challenge number, and both the three challenge cycle timings and the numbers representing them, are calculated from your birth date.
VIII. The Birth Day Chart Position (calculator)
The energy represented by the birth day number tends to attract deep, core talents and abilities that have a huge influence on who and what a person is and becomes. It is an indication of the approach a person tends to take when pursuing goals and opportunities.
The birth day number is the day number of a birth date. No calculation is required. And no number reduction is done when the day number is multi‑digit.
IX. The Power Chart Position (calculator)
The power energy comes into force around middle age, making extra energy available to you. It affects both the person you are and the events and circumstances that occur as you live life. It's an additional influence that lasts for the rest of your life.
The power number is calculated from both your birth date and the value of the letters of your name.
Important Numerology Chart Energies
The important energies are the ones with the most force or influence of all the energies represented by the numbers in your numerology chart. They provide the largest or clearest impressions of your numerology profile.