Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Numerology Life Periods
The numerology energy present at various periods of your life change every so often. These are numerology cycles.
The life period cycle is the only one that lasts for exactly 3 cycles.
The energy life period cycles represent tend to influence the tone, likelihoods, and tendencies of your life.
The resonance of the energy affects what type of things that persist and that keep coming up again and again. It can affect your point of view of your own life as influenced by the events and circumstances you experience.
Most life period cycle changes bring life changes. Some more dramatic than others.
You probably have noticed a person around 25-33 years old change suddenly.
Their outlook on life changes. What's important to them changes. Their desires and attachments change.
The statement that "It seemed their birthday triggered something and they became a different person" easily could be a remark about the effects of a life period cycle change.
Noticeable and perhaps dramatic changes can occur while experiencing a life period cycle change.
There are two such life period cycle changes during a full life. The first, the one from cycle 1 to cycle 2, happens around 25‑33 years of age. The second, from cycle 2 to cycle 3, happens at around 52‑60 years old.
The energy of either or both of the cycle changes can precipitate substantial life changes.
However, life period cycle changes don't always result in noticeable life changes. That is because the energies of the new cycle may be similar to the previous cycle — no big change.
The energies of a life period cycle is determined by the number it represents. The number each of the three life period cycles represent can be any single-digit number except the digit 0 (zero).
It is when the energies of the new life period cycle are quite different than the energies of the previous cycle that the change tends to be more dramatic.
As an example, when the new cycle energy is represented by the digit 5 and the previous cycle the digit 4, a methodic and hard-working person can suddenly start to express a sense of personal freedom and insist on pursuing whatever whim interests them.
And the reverse, as another example, when the new cycle has the digit 4 and the previous cycle the digit 5, a person that previously lived in a rather happy-go-lucky way can suddenly start to be a methodic and dedicated person focused on creating a solid foundation that will last the rest of their lifetime.
The word "suddenly" used above is not to imply a person changes overnight (although it can happen). But the change can be accomplished fairly quickly, generally within a couple months.
The life period cycles, and the number that represents the energy associated with each cycle, are calculated from your birth date.
The life period cycles calculator was built for that. The calculator also provides an interpretation of the energy represented by the current cycle's calculated number.