Affinity Numerology : Example People Stories

The Example People

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Many of the numerology calculation examples on this website are based on members of a fictive family.

The family is a married couple with two children.

I want to let you know who they are so you have some background. Instead of just a sterile example calculation, you can refer to this article for better understanding of their individual characteristics and life experiences, and what their relationships are.

With this article published and available to you, I can write life, compatibility, and relationship articles using this family's numerology charts in calculation examples.

To be transparent about the fact that none of the individuals of the family represent anyone currently living, their last names, both birth and married names, are "Fictive."

You'll meet each one.

Daiy Jane Fictive was born on June 8, 1963 (now age 61) to parents living in a remote area, wooded and with a small stream meandering a stone's throw from their cabin. The cabin is on a slight elevation because the stream does overflow its banks during the spring rains and snow melt.

It's an idyllic location. But little Daiy didn't see it that way — she hadn't experienced other locations. What she does experience is a keen lack of children to play with.

When going to town for supplies with her parents, Daiy is shy, hiding behind mom or dad, especially when she sees other children in store isles. She dearly wants to interact, but is unsure how. She is being homeschooled, but how to start an interaction with other children isn't part of the curriculum.

When Daiy was just over 14 years old, tagging along with mom in a hardware store to purchase bulbs for a flashlight, she saw a boy.

Suddenly, she knew how to start an interaction.

She walked up to the boy, heart aflutter, held out her hand, and said, "Hi, I'm Daiy. What is your name?"

He was a bit taken aback. But also impressed at this girl's boldness. "Dusky," he responded.

There ensued a rapid flow of conversation, beginning with how their names sound like day and dusk. Then continued with where they lived, what they were doing in the hardware store, and would have continued indefinitely.

But at that point, Daiy's mom noticed her engagement. Her mouth dropped open. This was so very much unlike her daughter. She never initiated conversations, ever, with anyone she didn't already know.

But mom quickly recovered a measure of her equilibrium.

"Daiy, you don't just walk up to any boy and start talking to them!"

Well, several years down the line, on November 1, 1981, Daiy ended up marrying that young man.

Dusky John Alvin Fictive was born on February 11, 1962 (now age 63) to parents living in the town where the hardware store was located. In fact, they owned the hardware store.

Dusky grew up in a neighborhood of families. There were always children to play with. There was an abundance of activities in town, and visits to and from neighbor kids. Never boring. Always stimulating.

Dusky was near the top of his class. Not close enough to qualify for established honors, but right up there behind those who got the attention.

Dusky worked in his father's hardware store on weekends, learning the trade. During the week he was either at school or, during the no-school periods of summer, with his buddies who, like him, were discovering themselves and their approaches to life.

He almost never went to the hardware store during the week. But one day, when he was 15½, he needed to pick up some batteries for an excursion he and his buddies planned, the fateful day when he met Daiy, the person who would become his wife.

Sunrise Fictive was born on June 23, 1982 (now age 42) to Dusky and Daiy.

Dusky and Daiy always remembered the very first subject they talked about when they met, that their first names sounded like phases of a day and night interval.

Both liked the name Sunrise, so that's what she got.

Neight John Fictive was born on April 22, 1985 (now age 39), about three years after his sister was born.

Dusky and Daiy maintained the period-of-day tradition for his name. Names pronounced "sunrise" and "dusk" for father and daughter, and names pronounced "day" and "night" for mother and son.

So their son was named Neight. Neight always remained the youngest child.

You have now been introduced to the fictive family, the people represented in many numerology calculation examples in articles on this website.

Let's see how they evolve in your perception as you learn more about them in the articles — as ever more aspects are revealed. It's what numerology can do, reveal things about people.

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