Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Numerology Personal Day Numbers
Numerology can help you predict the tone of any of your days in the future.
Every day is different. Some are dramatically different, others not so much.
The personal day number indicates what the tone of the day will be. When the tone is known, the day's tendencies and how you'll be affected can be predicted.
The personal days calendar tool calculates personal day numbers for you.
It's generally useful to have an idea how you'll be affected by any day in the future — tomorrow, on your next anniversary, next New Year's Day, two years from today, a decade from now.
Numerology personal day numbers provide insight into the ebb and flow of our lives on a day to day basis.
But why would you want to know?
Knowing the type of vibes or energies a day is likely to have can give a person an advantage. Here are examples:
There's more certainty what the day will bring. While an exact prediction can't be made, the general tone or tendency of the day can be revealed.
To predict how well a day will or will not resonate with the plans you have for it.
To plan days according to the tone predicted for them.
Knowing in advance gives you an edge.
If you wish, you can have your day's reading sent to you by email every day. (These are sent to you daily for the imminent day. For further-in-the-future predictions, use the calendar mentioned in the next paragraph.)
Or use the personal days calendar generator and do your own interpretations using the guide below. The generator provides a calendar of personal day numbers for any month up to a year in advance.
Numerology personal day number interpretation guide:
Interpretations are constructed from the tone or resonance of the numerology energy represented by each personal day number. It indicates the type of subtle push or attraction the energy provides during the course of the day.
Personal day number 1
Today's numerology energy is conducive to planning new projects or procedures related to self-sufficiency and self-determination. The energy resonates with desire to do things independent of other approval.
Personal day number 2
The numerology energy of the day resonates with being a team member, consideration of each other's feelings, a role as peacemaker, and resolving issues with tact and diplomacy. Relationships are likely to be a focus of attention.
Personal day number 3
Creative personal expression is the primary resonance of today's numerology energy. Social interaction also tends to be attracted as an outlet for creative expression. The energy tends to encourage optimism.
Personal day number 4
It's a methodical energy, today. It tends to attract the idea that the way to get things done is the way it was successfully done before. It also brings consideration about a secure foundation for the future.
Personal day number 5
The numerology energy for today resonates with expression of personal freedom. It tends to inspire interest in various things, one right after another, and encourages multiple points of view.
Personal day number 6
Home and family is the primary resonance of today's numerology energy. It is an energy that encourages nurturing and supporting others. Also the formulation of an ideal related to the activities and objectives of society as a whole.
Personal day number 7
The day's energy encourages introspection, finding answers within. The energy resonates with solving mysteries, studying both scientific and spiritual subjects, intuition, and accumulating wisdom.
Personal day number 8
There's an energy resonance with finances and material accumulation today. It's a business-related energy, one that also resonates with efficiency, pragmatism, and building something of long-term value.
Personal day number 9
Today's energy resonates with the welfare of humanity, is likely to inspire related thoughts and imagination, and tends to imbue an urge to do something directly or contribute to groups that benefit humankind.
Personal day master number 11
The personal day energy represented by the master number 11 is highly spiritual in nature. It resonates with intuitive insight, charisma, harmony, and peace. It elicits a focus on the spiritual aspects of relationships and an orientation toward teaching. The energy also includes the personal day 2 energy.
Personal day master number 22
Today's numerology energy resonates with manifesting things of social and spiritual benefit. It's practical, methodical, self-confident, and generally finds it easy to obtain the cooperation of others to reach a shared goal. The energy also includes the personal day 4 energy.
Personal day master number 33
The energy represented by this master number is friendly, compassionate, and elicits harmony. It resonates with nurturing, teaching, and the leading of a group of people toward a shared goal. The energy also includes the personal day 6 energy.
Use the personal days calendar generator to calculate the numbers for correlating with the above interpretations.