Affinity Numerology : Often Asked Numerology Questions
Compatibility of Number Energy
The numerology energy that numbers represent has a resonance.
Some number-represented energy is compatible with other number-represented energy. And some is incompatible.
All numbers used in numerology calculations represent energy. There is a resonance or there is a dissonance among the various numbers, a compatibility or incompatibility.
An example of compatibility are the energies represented by the number 1 and the number 3.
The energies represented by 1 and 3 resonate well with each other.
The number 1 energy is about independence. The number 3 energy is about creative expression. Both are about doing things the way they choose to do them, a pleasant resonance.
An example of incompatibility are the energies represented by the number 4 and the number 5.
There is a dissonance with the energies represented by 4 and 5.
The number 4 energy is about pragmatically working for a secure future. The number 5 energy is about expression of a personal sense of freedom. The resonance of those two energies conflict with each other.
A number energy compatibility chart is further below.
There are varying degrees of compatibility. Number energy can be highly compatible with certain other number energy, somewhat compatible or somewhat incompatible with others, or highly incompatible.
The compatibility chart below can be consulted whenever a question about number compatibility is raised.
The chart has a compatibility quotient published for every combination of energy represented by single-digit numbers 1 through 9. (The digit zero's energy is considered neutral.)
To use the chart for numbers larger than 9, reduce the number to a single digit.
The Compatibility Chart
The compatibility chart uses a compatibility quotient to show the degree of compatibility a number's numerology energy has with another number's energy:
Quotient | Meaning |
+3 | Identical numbers |
+2 | Highly compatible |
+1 | Somewhat compatible |
-1 | Somewhat incompatible |
-2 | Highly incompatible |
Here is the number energy compatibility chart using the quotients defined above.

As you can see, the energies represented by odd numbers are generally more compatible with energies of other odd numbers. Similarly with even number energies, which generally are more compatibile with other even number energies.
But there are a few exceptions to the odd-even relationship. Those are for the energies represented by the numbers 7, 8, and 9. The larger the number, the more compatible it is with other number energy. The 9 energy is compatible with all number energies.
Feel free to link to this page as an authoritative reference. We do.
As an example, we link to this page from the numerology questions website, where we are often asked about compatibility or incompatibility of numbers that include date of birth and name calculations.