Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

How to Calculate Numerology Name Numbers

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There are 3 major name numbers in a personal numerology chart. The 3 name numbers are all core numbers.

The 3 major numbers are:

  1. The numerology heart's desire number, calculated from the vowels in the name.

  2. The numerology personality number, calculated from the consonants in the name.

  3. The numerology destiny number, calculated from all letters in the name.

Calculations are arithmetic. It is done with the numerical value of each letter.

The procedure is illustrated further below.

If you prefer to use an online calculator, rather than doing the calculations manually, the numerology name numbers calculator shows the results of the procedure.

Each letter of a name has a numerical value. Spaces, punctuations, and any other non-alphabetical characters are omitted from calculation.

Use this chart to determine the numerical values of each alphabetic character in a name. For non-English alphabets, consult the non-English alphabet article.


To determine a name character value, find the value at the top of the column. As an example, the name characters "A", "J", and "S" all have the value 1.

For illustration, let's use the name Daiy Jane Fictive. The letter "D" has the value 4. The letter "a" has the value 1. And so forth.

Here are the name characters for Daiy Jane Fictive with their corresponding character value underneath.

Daiy Jane Fictive
4197 1155 6932945

Here also are the Daiy Jane Fictive name characters for the consonants and the vowels.

Daiy Jane Fictive
4    1 5  6 32 4 
Daiy Jane Fictive
 197  1 5  9  9 5

(In numerology, the letter "y" is calculated as a vowel because it generally has a vowel sound.)

To find a major name number, do these two steps:

  1. Add together the character values for a total.

  2. Reduce the total until it is either a single digit or a master number. The target of the reduction is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 22, or 33.

    (See How to Calculate the Foundation Number for the procedure to use when reducing a number.)

Adding together the numerical value of all the letters of the name, Daiy Jane Fictive, is a total of 71. The number 71 reduces to the number 8 (7+1=8).

The numerical value of the consonants of the name is a total of 25. The number 25 reduces to the number 7 (2+5=7).

And, the numerical value of the vowels of the name is a total of 46, which reduces to the number 1 (4+6=10, then 1+0=1).

Go ahead and try it with your own name. Calculate the vowels, consonants, and all letter totals. Reduce the totals as needed.

Then, check your calculations using the name numbers calculator.

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