Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Numerology Master Numbers

In numerology, the numbers 11 and 22 are often referred to as Master Numbers. Sometimes, the number 33 is also referred to as a Master Number.

The numbers 11, 22, and 33 can occur anywhere. Generally, however, they're significant as master numbers only in the major numerology chart positions. For some positions, such as a personal year calculated with a number 11, 22, or 33, are considered to be a master number only if another major numerology chart position is also a master number (for the personal year, the life path major chart position).

They are powerful numbers and may be hard to live up to for some people. When not lived up to, the energy tends to be expressed somewhat negatively.

But it doesn't have to be that way. The number 11 also reduces to and resonates with the single-digit number 2, the number 22 with the number 4, and the number 33 with the number 6. When a person notices themselves expressing a master number negatively, the focus can be put on the energies of the relevant single-digit number.

The Numerology Master Number 11

With the number 11, the digit 1's tendency to explore and be self-reliant is doubled in intensity and yet, because the reduced single digit of 11 is 2, exists within the 2's tendency to be intuitive and a diplomat.

The resulting vibration of the Master Number 11 is the most intuitive of all numbers and is a number of psychic abilities.

The potential for the number 11 is huge. As with all numbers, 11 can be experienced and expressed positively or negatively.

The numerology Master Number 11 can come with charisma, effective leadership, spiritual teaching, and can be an inspiration to others. The number 11 can also come with fears and inner conflict, perhaps self-destruction in extreme negative manifestation.

See The Numerology Number 11 Essence for more information about the numerology meaning of the number 11.

The Numerology Master Number 22

The number 22 contains the digit 2's tendency to be intuitive and diplomatic is doubled in intensity and yet, because the reduced single digit of 22 is 4, exists within the 4's tendency to build a firm foundation for the future and to pay attention to details.

The resulting vibration of the Master Number 22 is the most likely to be successful of all numbers. The number 22 is a builder like no other number. It brings dreams into reality. It may be the most powerful of all numbers.

The number 22 is practical and methodical and works on a thing until it is done.

When the number 22 is expressed negatively, it may suffer from stress, refuse to work, and may become or desire to be a hermit.

See The Numerology Number 22 Essence for more information about the numerology meaning of the number 22.

The Numerology Master Number 33

The number 33 contains the digit 3's creativity and tendency to socialize is doubled in intensity and yet, because the reduced single digit of 33 is 6, exists within the 6's attraction to harmony and its tendency to serve and be tolerant.

The resulting vibration of the Master Number 33 is more influential than any other number. The number seeks understanding of imperfect situations and is the manifestation of selfless service to the community and even the world. The 33 inspires agreement with its agenda of helping mankind.

The number 33 is rarely expressed with its full potential.

If expressed negatively, the number may try to be a home-wrecker and find personal satisfaction in the misfortune of others.

See The Numerology Number 33 Essence for more information about the numerology meaning of the number 33.

Other Numerology Master Numbers

It is occasionally wondered why there are only the 3 Master Numbers. How about 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99?

The Master Number 33 is perhaps the most selfless and spiritual vibration possible to be experienced by a human being.

Master Numbers above 33 can be profiled and their vibrations explained, at least in part. The ability to experience the full manifestation of higher Master Numbers is unlikely.

Real Life Experience

A person's experience of a numerology Master Number depends on where it occurs.

When the numerology Master Number is the birth date number of the numerology chart, the number's vibrations influence the person's life path. All along life's journey, the number will influence events and circumstances according to its vibration.

As an example, a birth date number 11 places events with spiritual meanings in the persons life path and the path is strewn with situations requiring psychic or intuitive abilities to solve or understand.

When the numerology Master Number is the number of the name in the numerology reading, the characteristics of the person will largely be the characteristics of the number. As an example, a name number 11 gives the person psychic abilities, high intuition, spiritual feelings, and the outlook of a philosopher.

When the numerology Master Number is the number of the name's vowels, the person's deep yearning is related to the vibration of the number.

As will all numbers, the vibration of numerology Master Numbers influence a person to make certain things more likely than other things. How the number is experienced depends on where the number occurs in the numerology chart. And, as with all numbers, the vibration can be expressed both positively and negatively.

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