Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Fiction Story Characters, The Power Number

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A writer's guide to creating fictional characters.

In real life, as may be written into fiction stories, the energy representing the power number of personal numerology charts encourages an outlook-on-life shift and a change in determination of what is and is not important.

It can be a subtle change. Or dramatic.

The timing of the change is early midlife, around 40-45 years of age.

This opens possibilities for stories with middle-aged fiction characters. The energy interpretation of the character's power number can provide ideas for how the character may act or react in story-line situations.

A name and a date of birth is required to obtain an interpretation of what the change is likely to be.

If you do decide on a date of birth, the same date of birth should be used when writing story actions and reactions based on interpretations of other numerology chart positions. This is to provide consistency among the interpretations your writing is likely to be affected by.

The power number is obtained by calculating a number that includes both the name number and the birth date number. A power number calculator is available.

How dramatic the change is depends in large part on whether or not the power number is the same as one of the core numbers.

With a unique power number, a new resonance is introduced. With a power number identical to any one of the core numbers, a current resonance is enhanced.

If you wish to review the various interpretations for the power number energy before assigning a birth date to your fiction character, so you can pick and choose the power energy, see the power number article.

One thing about the power energy is that it is present from birth. But very low key, hardly discernible. It isn't until early midlife, around age 40 to 45, sometimes a few years later, that its resonance becomes more apparent, more forceful.

It generally takes a year or two of gradual increase for the energy represented by the power number to arrive at its full force. During that time or soon thereafter, the person is likely to realize their outlook on life has changed, their importances have changed, their sense of purpose.

As an example, let's have a look at the core numbers of Neight John Fictive, determine his power number, and see how the power number is likely to affect his life.

His core numbers are 4, 4, 22, 7, and 6.

Adding together his name number 4 and his birth date number 4 reveals his power number to be the number 8.

Because the power number 8 is different than any of his core numbers, he is highly likely to notice the new number 8 resonance when it becomes more powerful.

It may take a year or two for the energy represented by the power number to reach its full force. Sometime during that period, Neight is likely to notice he is accomplishing more and doing so faster. His organizational skills have improved. And he is being viewed as an authority in his area of expertise.

If the power number is different than any of the core numbers, the sudden prominence of the energy it represents may be sufficient to launch a full-fledged midlife crisis — in real life and in a fiction story.

The midlife power energy emergence can inject a powerful attitude change for fiction characters. When both the character's name and birth date are known, the power number tool can be used to determine what that energy is.

Index to Series:
Fiction Story Characters
The Power Number
(more to come)

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