Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Fiction Story Characters,
The Open Heart
Just as with real-life humans, fictional human characters have a deep personal urge. To reveal their character's urge, the author may describe the urge, show how a person would act with that type of urge, or let the reader intuit the urge while reading the story.
The open heart urge is unlike the core number heart's desire energy of a persistent urge that seems never to fulfill. Instead, the energy is open and intent in its expression. No fulfilling required.
The open heart is a doing or accomplishing energy.
It is from deep within. Yet, there is no inclination to hide it. The character may take pride in their feelings about their approach to life, or at least not be embarrassed about them.
It is an emotional urge more than a logical planned goal.
The resonance of the open heart energy colors almost everything the character does in the story (and, most likely, the back story).
The open heart tends to be brought to the fore whenever situations allow it to be expressed — although there may be a reluctance when other circumstances indicate non-optimum timing.
The open heart energy is represented by the first vowel of the name.
There are 6 vowels ("Y" is considered to be a vowel) and the open heart article has a short interpretation of the energy for each. Use the open heart calculator for a slightly expanded interpretation.
Here are a few ideas intended for idea stimulation.
An open heart vowel A can indicate a direct attack on situations that defy the character's will or hinder their direct line to where they are headed. They may miss things, but what they notice are immediately taken into account with clear thought and reasonable conclusions.
An open heart vowel E can indicate an agile response to unexpected situations. Responses are likely to be unexpected or unconventional. The character is endowed with intelligence and sensuality. Instead of cringing from a new idea that might at first seem repugnant or despicable, they are likely to greet it as a new experience and be interested in acquiring a greater understanding.
An open heart vowel I indicates a sensitivity for the need of others, especially where the "others" are a group of people or humanity as a whole. There is a tolerance of lifestyles the character, themself, would not wish to live. Their approach to people is with compassion. But defy this character or actively harm those they care about, and the character is apt to suddenly turn into a whirlwind and kick some serious hiney — an impulsive action the character is likely to regret soon thereafter.
An open heart vowel O indicates a homebody. The character is a nurturer, not only family but also friends with troubles. They are apt look for support and to lead the resolution of neighborhood issues. They have a healthy respect for laws, societal rules, and acceptable behavior, including conventional moral standards, so long as those ideas conform to the character's vision of what would be ideal.
An open heart vowel U can indicate an appreciation for the arts and artists. The character is likely to take the artist's side of things whenever they become involved with a misunderstanding or altercation between an artist and a non-artist individual or group. The character is socially active.
An open heart vowel Y can indicate a highly intuitive character. The character tends to be introspective. They tend to be philosophic and spiritual. Conversely, there is also a tendency to approach and pursue solutions in a scientific manner. The character doesn't mind being alone with their books and manicured gardens.
The open heart letter is a key to the emotional approach characters are likely to take when dealing with obstructions to what they want to achieve. Selecting the letter that adds that bit of additional depth to the character's personality is a way to bring the character more to life for the reader — to make the character more real and easier for the reader to identify with.
Fiction Story Characters