Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Fiction Story Characters, Life Period Cycles
People go through many cycles of changes. Fiction characters can, too.
In numerology there are cycles referred to as the life period cycles. A normal human lifetime has three of those cycles.
The first cycle begins at birth and lasts for anywhere from 25 years to 33 years. Somewhere from age 25 through 33, they are likely to change their outlook on life, how they interact with people, and what is and is not important for them. Their actions reflect their new approach and point of view.
The term "likely to change" in the previous paragraph refers to the energy of the number calculated for the first cycle compared to the number for the second cycle. If both calculated numbers are identical, little change is expected. If not identical, then change can be expected. Watch for drama if one number is an odd number and the other an even.
As an example, if the first life path cycle's calculated number is 5 and the second cycle's calculated number is 4, then expect the person who had approached life by following whims to quickly and surprisingly settle down and become serious about their future.
Now, imagine the reverse, a life period cycle with energy 4 making way for a cycle with energy 5. The responsible person is suddenly becoming frivolous and chasing immediate pleasures.
The life period article and its accompanying calculator can be consulted for more comprensive information.
The second life period cycle lasts for approximately 25 years. The last life period cycle lasts until the person's passing.
When your character's birth date is known, the dates or ages for the life period energy changes can be calculated.
Changes aren't instant. Instead, a change occurs over a two- to four-month period, a period that includes the character's month of birth.
Let's suppose a character's birthday is during the month of May. Let's also assume that, during the year being addressed, their second life period cycle gives way to their third life period cycle.
If the second life period cycle was numerologically calculated as the number 9 and the third cycle as the number 2, their approach to life will be from broad-minded and humanitarian oriented to an internal need for companionship and relationships. The transition occurs from March through June, or a shorter period that includes the month of May.
There are only two changes from one of the life cycles to the next, the change from the first life cycle to the second and the change from the second life cycle the last life cycle.
Each cycle change can be dramatic or unnoticed or some intensity between those two extremes. With a birth date, the timing of the life period cycles can be determined along with the calculated numerology number energy for each cycle.
Fiction Story Characters