Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Fiction Story Characters, The Capstone
How a fictional character ends projects or relationships says a lot about the character.
When the last letter of the character's name resonates with how they end things, then the character is likely to be more plausible. And, perhaps, easier and more compelling for the reader to identified with.
When your character finishes something, are they proud of what they accomplished? Do they desire recognition? Do they prefer to hold on to the feeling of accomplishment for a while or are they ready to start the next project immediately?
Does your character persist doggedly to completion? Or, perhaps, give up easily and pursue something different?
The last letter of the character's first name is the capstone letter. It represents how events and situations are capped, ended.
The capstone letter interpretations further below may provide ideas for how your characters will complete things during the course of your fictional story.
To examine the idea of the capstone letter in more detail, the resonance of the capstone energy dictates how the character ends things — job, journey, research, pursuit of a goal (goal reached or goal abandoned), intimate relationships, writing, sleuthing — how they approach and process (or not) the completion of pretty much everything.
Completions can be planned and executed flawlessly, or done abruptly.
Relationships can be ended with a confrontational attitude. Or negotiated with fairness and having continued mutual support or friendship in mind.
Perhaps your character prefers to quietly finish things and go on with life. Or finish with a big public production or celebration.
Here is a description of each capstone letter.
Capstone Letter — A
The character with capstone "A" energy tends to persist until a project is completed decisively. Rarely do they start a task and change their mind about completing it.
Consistent with a drive to finalize everything they start is a readiness to face the consequences of any personal mistakes.
Capstone Letter — B
The character with capstone "B" energy tends to complete projects in cooperation with others — rather than doing and completing projects alone.
While working toward completion of projects, the character is likely thinking about the needs of others in relation to the project. The more the project benefits others, the more satisfaction is gained by its accomplishment.
Capstone Letter — C
The character with capstone "C" energy tends to complete projects in a creative way, winding them up with a flourish intended to get attention. When unable by circumstances or guidelines to be creative within the project, the character tries to have a completion at least expressive or meaningful.
Tasks may be accepted without much forethought, then creatively altered during their progress toward completion.
Capstone Letter — D
The character with capstone "D" energy tends to complete projects in a steadfast and practical manner. The character persists until the job is done.
Generally, tasks perceived as providing value are completed in a calm and reasonable manner. Other projects, not so much, and could even feel like a waste of time.
Capstone Letter — E
The character with capstone "E" energy tends to complete projects quickly &mdsh; because there are so many other fun things to do.
Projects tend to be concluded in a transparent and versatile way. Completing tasks is more fun when they are physical or entertaining. Completion with passion is the most fun of all.
Capstone Letter — F
The character with capstone "F" energy tends to persist until a responsible conclusion can be effected. Completion in a harmonious and friendly manner is desired. Finishing projects in a responsible manner tends to lighten up the character's immediate experience of their fictional life.
The character's warm heart and self-sacrificing nature means projects that benefit family and friends are apt to be the most satisfying to complete.
Capstone Letter — G
The character with capstone "G" energy tends to be confident about completing their projects, preferring to do so without interference. Completions tend to be logical and orderly.
The confidence stems from the character's determination to resolve all questions and loose ends, a self-assurance that eliminates doubt about finishing things satisfactorily.
Capstone Letter — H
The character with capstone "H" energy tends to conclude projects in an organized and methodical manner — step by step until done.
The character tends to be precise and practical and applies those tendencies to finishing projects. Projects almost always end up more valued than originally intended.
Capstone Letter — I
The character with capstone "I" energy brings about conclusions that generally have some emotion related to it that feels like parting with a friend, even when finishing mundane tasks.
The character tends to be tolerant, considerate, and have good taste, all of which have an effect on how projects are completed — sometimes with a flourish and almost always with an emotional moment.
Capstone Letter — J
The character with capstone "J" energy tends to persist — the closer to completion of a project, the more focused they are on completing it. The character tends to apply themself vigorously to the last steps of a project.
An astute mentality with honesty, sincerity, and a deep desire to help others better their lives contributes to the way the character completes things.
Capstone Letter — K
The character with capstone "K" energy tends to conclude things in an inspired way. There is a strong urge to succeed, which helps drive projects to completion. The character can be forceful when arranging things to conclude matters better or faster.
Another drive to complete projects is the refreshment and the increase of energy felt upon finishing something.
Capstone Letter — L
The character with capstone "L" energy tends to intellectualize experience, which can delay the completion of projects. The last step completed generally brings a smile, in a loving and light hearted mien.
Task conclusions benefit from the character's sincerity and a warmhearted temperament. And their creativity.
Capstone Letter — M
The character with capstone "M" energy tends to be methodical, completing projects in a conservative and conventional manner. When a project is done, it's done. No celebration is needed or desired.
Projects benefit from the character's energetic efficiency. Conclusions generally are thought out — which means projects tend to be completed on time with results as expected.
Capstone Letter — N
The character with capstone "N" energy tends, when possible, to conclude things in a sensual and public manner. An appreciative audience sweetens the accomplishment.
Projects that look to be unsuccessful tend to be modified to make success more likely or abandoned for another project.
Capstone Letter — O
The character with capstone "O" energy tends to give projects a disciplined and responsible conclusion. There is no procrastination when the end is in sight.
The completion of projects are likely to benefit from the character's tendency to have idealistic convictions and standards they consider to be moral.
Capstone Letter — P
The character with capstone "P" energy tends to finish projects in unexpected ways and sooner than originally anticipated. Projects and their conclusions tend to benefit from the character's innate intelligence.
Personal goals or projects may finish suddenly, perhaps before the character is quite ready for it.
Capstone Letter — Q
The character with capstone "Q" energy tends to provide project results that are surprising. Conclusions generally are unusual and unconventional.
Although the character generally is organized and practical, with an aura of natural authority, actions that may be perceived as erratic can be instrumental in the unforeseen results of affairs and projects.
Capstone Letter — R
The character with capstone "R" energy tends to generally complete projects in an assertive and resounding way. Doing so enhances their personal confidence.
The character is apt to have an intense inner power. The act of finishing things can bring this forth. Projects completed with an assertive and perhaps emotional conclusion tend to validate the inner power.
Capstone Letter — S
The character with capstone "S" energy tends to effect clever completions — in an unusual or unexpected manner if possible.
The character tends to be charming and charismatic to make unorthodox completions more acceptable to others.
Capstone Letter — T
The character with capstone "T" energy is apt to complete projects with tact and with a feeling of affection — never with deliberate rudeness.
The character is apt to be dynamic and active, and especially so when finishing tasks or helping others to finish theirs.
Capstone Letter — U
The character with capstone "U" energy tends to complete projects in a creative, transparent, and public manner. There's no feeling of a need for secrecy; the opposite, actually, with enjoyment of public appreciation.
When projects are completed or goals achieved, then the more public the occasion, the more satisfaction the character is likely to feel. Accomplishments are honest, sincere, transparent, and tend to be noticed.
Capstone Letter — V
The character with capstone "V" energy tends to view the completion of tasks at hand to be more important than feelings or diplomacy. Toes may occasionally get stepped on. But the task gets done.
The character may be seen as somewhat ruthless in the accomplishment of an end. Yet, the accomplishment of a goal or project is virtually always on time and excellent.
Capstone Letter — W
The character with capstone "W" energy tends to be versatile both while pursuing and when completing a task. How they are completed depends on the perceived need of the moment.
The character likely has a need to express a personal sense of freedom to change things as needed. Which is a reason why the way tasks are completed generally can't be predicted beforehand — except to predict its completion will be different than other similar projects have been.
Capstone Letter — X
The character with capstone "X" energy tends to publicize conclusion of projects. They generally don't mind if the completion gives others credit so long as the job is well done.
As many as possible of those who might be affected in any way are generally made well aware of the fact when a project is completed.
Capstone Letter — Y
The character with capstone "Y" energy tends to finish projects in an unremarkable way. Because projects are approached and worked haphazardly, they are likely to have different results than anticipated.
The character dislikes limitations. The shrugging off of restrictions is one reason things often don't finish as planned.
Capstone Letter — Z
The character with capstone "Z" energy tends to complete projects and agreements decisively, perhaps unconventionally, especially if the agreements are of a personal nature rather than a business project.
With the sharp mind and compassion the fictional character brings to projects, the results are almost always highly satisfactory; even though other characters perhaps can't fathom why such unusual methods were used.
The energy of the numerology capstone letter — the last letter of the first name — is an indication how things tend to be completed. The letter's resonance colors the projects and affairs that a fictional character gets involved in.
Fiction Story Characters