Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Fiction Story Characters,
Essence Transit
People experience turning points and highlights, year by year. Fiction characters can experience that, too — if the author wants it to be that way.
The essence number represents energy related to who and what the character knows themself to be. The energy is likely to affect their decisions, how they feel about themself, and their approach to life.
Every year has its own essence number. The current year essence number may be the same as the previous year, or it may be different. If different, the author's fiction character may be more inclined to approach or experience life differently than they did the year before. The essence transit article can be consulted for more details.
Both the fiction character's name and their birth date need to be known to do the essence transit calculations.
Use it to construct your character's essence chart. It can be an invaluable guide and source of inspiration.
The transit number can change yearly, or may remain the same for several years.
When the number changes, the fiction character's life may change. Depending on what transit numbers the shift was from and to, the way they look at life is likely to have a greater or lesser shift.
Let's do an essence transit chart for Daiy Jane Fictive born June 8, 1963 to illustrate how it can be used. This chart spans from the past into the future, a total of 20 years. (To get charts for your fictive character or characters, the essence transit tool can be used to get the essence numbers for any years of the characters' lifetimes.)
Essence transit charts are read birthday to birthday. This chart transits from Daiy's birthday in year 2020, when she becomes 57 years of age, to the day before her 77th birthday in year 2040.
In the chart, the years and age numbers are the periods of influence and the essence number is the number of influence.
In the example chart below, when Daiy turns 57 years old on June 8, 2020, her essence number was 5. The next year, on June 8, 2021, her essence number became the number 3.
That was in her past. The future years can be consulted for a sense of the transit energy that she (or your fictive characters) will experience during that time.
(Essence transit energy interpretations follow this example chart.)
Year Span |
A g e | D a i y | J a n e | F i c t i v e | E s s e n c e |
2020- 2021- |
57 | Y | E | T | 5 |
2021- 2022- |
58 | Y | E | I | 3 |
2022- 2023- |
59 | Y | E | I | 3 |
2023- 2024- |
60 | Y | J | I | 8 |
2024- 2025- |
61 | Y | A | I | 8 |
2025- 2026- |
62 | Y | N | I | 3 |
2026- 2027- |
63 | D | N | I | 9 |
2027- 2028- |
64 | D | N | I | 9 |
2028- 2029- |
65 | D | N | I | 9 |
2029- 2030- |
66 | D | N | I | 9 |
2030- 2031- |
67 | A | E | V | 1 |
2031- 2032- |
68 | I | E | V | 9 |
2032- 2033- |
69 | I | E | V | 9 |
2033- 2034- |
70 | I | E | V | 9 |
2034- 2035- |
71 | I | E | E | 1 |
2035- 2036- |
72 | I | J | E | 6 |
2036- 2037- |
73 | I | A | E | 6 |
2037- 2038- |
74 | I | N | E | 1 |
2038- 2039- |
75 | I | N | E | 1 |
2039- 2040- |
76 | I | N | F | 2 |
The interpretations apply to the fictive character's approach to life rather than to basic character alterations.
Consider it a temporary (one or a few years) assumption of who and what the character is — the essence of the person the character recognizes as themself. The basic characteristics as presented at fiction characters core name energy do not change unless the character has a name change.
When considering the interpretations as they apply to your fictive character, compare their most recent essence number with their current essence number interpretations. Moving from some numbers to other numbers can be a jarring experience.
Moving from a 4 to a 5, for example, is like moving from a focus on the future to doing things on a whim. From 1 to 2, for another example, is like moving from preferring independence and working alone to preferring relationships and cooperation.
Here are interpretations for the essence numbers.
Number 1 Essence Transit Energy
The 1 essence transit represents energy of new beginnings, discovering new things and ways to implement improvement. The period resonates with independent action. The energy includes the ideas of initiative, leadership, self-reliant action, and decisions about how the past and the future will relate to the present. The transit energy is one of self-determination.
Number 2 Essence Transit Energy
The 2 essence transit energy attracts partnerships and associations. It is intuitive and has a keen ability to understand others. The energy resonates best with cooperation, diplomacy, and peaceful coexistence with others. Giving and receiving assistance in a team spirit also resonates with this energy. It is an energy of cooperation.
Number 3 Essence Transit Energy
The energy represented by the number 3 essence transit resonates with creative endeavors and creative self-expression. Creativity tends to be in realms of music, art, literature, decorating, and other culture-related expressions. The energy encourages optimism and tolerance. The person tends to be inspiring, especially when associating with other creative people.
Number 5 Essence Transit Energy
The 5 essence transit energy tends to bring an innovative period. The unexpected is likely to happen as the energy encourages following of whim — the energy resonates with expression of a personal sense of freedom. The transit tends to be an active period, with new associations and increased interests in diverse cultures and societies.
Number 6 Essence Transit Energy
The energy represented by the number 6 essence transit resonates with home, family, nurturing, and ideals. Responsibilities related to unselfish giving of time, advice, and funds to neighbors and friends are likely to be assumed. Recognition and standing in the community tend to be enhanced. The energy encourages nurturing those who need it.
Number 8 Essence Transit Energy
The 8 essence transit energy resonates with organization, authority, recognition, material accumulation, and professionalism. Business opportunities of considerable importance may be attracted during this transit. The energy encourages being realistic, along with being efficient and leading a balanced life. Professional standing may be enhanced.
Number 9 Essence Transit Energy
The energy represented by the number 9 essence transit represents energy related to compassion and a broad, tolerant attitude. It is a humanitarian energy and tends to attract a diverse array of opportunities — business, professional practice, art, drama — which can affect the welfare of humankind. It's an altruistic energy of compassion and tolerance.
The essence transit numbers can be used by an author for creative inspiration related to a fictive character. The character is likely to approach a certain situation differently if their essence number were different.
Fiction Story Characters