Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Fiction Story Characters, The Cornerstone
How a fictional character views and approaches life is apt to have much to do with how they react to story situations. And the types of situations they initiate or inadvertently cause to happen.
The cornerstone letter is the first letter of the character's name. It is symbolically at the front, indicating their approach to life, as the character proceeds through the story.
The cornerstone letter represents the character's tendencies in life:
Stance or attitude regarding life and the situations they encounter.
Approach to situations (or their avoidance).
Modus operandi that they tend to employ when actively dealing with story situations.
To reveal their character's attitude, the author may describe it, along with references to the back story about why the stance is assumed, or the author may show the character in action doing the very things such an attitude would result in.
The cornerstone can be seen as a fixed "this is me" attitude, either expressed revealingly or intentionally kept low key from fear or to be consistent with a strategy.
The resonance of the capstone energy dictates how the character approaches and handles almost everything they do.
Here are a few aspects of the cornerstone letters to stimulate ideas.
A cornerstone letter A indicates a direct approach to situations, with an opposing stance for any that defy the character's will or hinder their purpose in the story. The character approaches situations with courage and determination, with independence, ambition, and drive.
A cornerstone letter B indicates a character alert for opportunities to be part of a team — not only for getting things done in cooperation with others, but also to be less alone. There is likely to be unapologetic expressions of emotions. The character is likely to be sensitive to other's needs or. Depending on what may have happened in the back story, the character could appear cold and emotionless.
A cornerstone letter C indicates a creative approach to the circumstances of the story; to all interactions and events within the story, actually. The character is likely to be socially active and generally appreciated for their optimism, inspiration, and spontaneity. The character's tolerance of others' idiosyncrasies is high.
A cornerstone letter D conjures a mental image of a hard worker type of character, the type that is meticulous, methodical, and pragmatic — always looking to provide a more secure future. The character is predisposed to be loyal, intense, honest, conscientious, and dedicated to the job at hand.
A cornerstone letter E indicates a character who tends to do things simply because it is fun to do them, perhaps to see the reactions of other characters. The approach to the story elements is with passion, originality, and versatility. Entertaining may be the character's natural activity.
A cornerstone letter F indicates a character predisposed to maintaining a sense of responsibility in relation to family and home. It tends to be a nurturing character. Friendship, sympathy, and compassion generally are brought along. And an appreciation for balance and harmony.
A cornerstone letter G conjures a character with a scientific approach to problems and their resolution. The G energy resonates with the ideas of intuition, instinct, purpose, wisdom, and introspection. The character is likely to be highly intelligent and imaginative.
A cornerstone letter H suggests a character that approaches life with material acquisition and personal goals in mind, especially goals related to business. They tend to be precise, practical, and organized. The character may be an efficient organizer.
A cornerstone letter I resonates with a sensitivity for the need of others, especially where the "others" are a group of people or humanity as a whole. The character has a tolerance of lifestyles the character, themself, would not wish to live.
A cornerstone letter J belongs with a character whose approach to life demonstrates independence and a preference for self-reliance. There is an adamant self-determination. The character tends to be talented and ingenious. Decisions are made without consulting others.
A cornerstone letter K conjures a mental picture of a character who has an abundance of charisma. There is a dynamism about the energy, generally focused on companionship, relationships, and teamwork. The character is likely to approach life relying on intuition for guidance.
A cornerstone letter L brings forth a character with an approach to life both creative and intellectual. There is a tendency to be optimistic. Seriousness generally doesn't last long. The character's approach to life inspires others in friendship and social situations.
A cornerstone letter M indicates a life approached with the intent to achieve a desired position or circumstances, a secure foundation for the future. The character tends to be able to focus on details. They are pragmatic and have an industrious energy.
A cornerstone letter N resonates with a character having an unconventional approach to life, with originality and creativity and with a genuine enjoyment of life and interacting with others. The character appreciates new adventures to experience and is curious about pretty much everything.
A cornerstone letter O indicates that the character is a homebody. They are a nurturer, not only family but also friends with troubles. And they are apt to lead activities for resolution of neighborhood issues. They have a healthy respect for laws, societal rules, and acceptable behavior, including conventional moral standards.
A cornerstone letter P gives the character a certain spiritual, metaphysical, or philosophical approach to life. They tend to pursue an educated and wise approach. The character is likely to be one of authority or well-developed skill in some field. They are likely to be intelligent.
A cornerstone letter Q summons a character likely to approach life from a business and finance point of view — mixed with unusual and unorthodox actions. Although perhaps not intentionally secretive, the character generally keeps their own counsel. They tend to be efficient, realistic, and bounding with personal energy.
A cornerstone letter R imbues the character with a life approach with high determination and inner strength. Generally, this is accompanied with ideas of tolerance, efficiency, realism, self-determination, and compassion — a humanitarian point of view. Injustices tend to be felt strongly.
A cornerstone letter S predisposes the character to approach life with ambition, charisma, and tolerance, yet with an independent point of view — and doing things according to their own decisions rather than consulting with or relying on others. The letter brings a vigorous energy, a character who is a starter and often alone by choice.
A cornerstone letter T indicates a character who tends to approach life as coexisting with others. The character tends to feel comfortable as a teamworker. They tend to become involved with mitigating disputes.
A cornerstone letter U indicates a character with an appreciation for the arts and artists. The character is likely to take the artist's side of things whenever they become aware of a misunderstanding or altercation between an artist and a non-artist individual or group. The character is socially active.
A cornerstone letter V indicates an honest character. They are reliable and true to their word. The character tends to approach life with pragmatism, understanding that achievement is through planning and methodical accomplishment of the steps required. With their straightforward focus, the character may occasionally be seen as inconsiderate of others.
A cornerstone letter W indicates a character that tends to be social and pleasant and rarely, if ever, intentionally hurts someone. Life is approached with a sense of purpose, yet with creativity, versatility, and a love of change. The character has spontaneous self-expression, imagination, curiosity, wit, and feels best when expressing a personal sense of freedom.
A cornerstone letter X indicates a character likely to be idealistic in their approach to life. Also a feeling of responsibility for family and being available to nurture friends who need it. The character is inclined to have an idealistic approach life.
A cornerstone letter Y indicates a highly intuitive character. The character tends to be introspective. They tend to be philosophic and spiritual. Conversely, there is also a tendency to approach and pursue solutions in a scientific manner. The character doesn't mind being alone with their books and manicured gardens.
A cornerstone letter Z resonates with the ideas of organization, peacemaking, business, and efficiency. The character is also realistic. The approach to life tends to be dynamic, with compassion, and efficient handling of problems that may arise in pursuit of a goal. Material success is likely.
The cornerstone letter can be a key to help the author describe the character's stance and the physical approach they are likely to take when dealing with obstructions. It may be prudent to select the first letter of the name for depth in understanding the character's personality.
Fiction Story Characters