Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Fiction Story Characters,
There is one place where fiction writers often make a mistake — character portrayal is dissonant with the character's name.
The energies represented by their numerology chart differ from the characters in the story. How the characters react to situations and how they interact with other characters in the story are incompatible with their numerology profiles.
For the rest of this article, I'll assume you are a fiction writer.
For most stories where the character has a name, the name is part of the portrayal of the character.
That is why it generally is important to resolve name and numerology chart conflicts. It can affect plausibility.
(Of course, your objective may be to deliberately name your character to conflict with their story situation. In that case, numerology can also be of assistance.)
There are three ways to conform a character's name with how they are otherwise portrayed in your work.
Portraying the character according to the traits suggested by the character's name.
This method is likely to appeal the most if you have a name picked out that you are fond of and really don't want to change it.
Naming a character according to the portrayal of the character in your work of fiction.
If how the character is portrayed is more important than the character's name, this method is likely to appeal to you.
Conforming both the character name and portrayal without a substantial change of either.
If the established character portrayal is necessary and you are also committed to the name you picked out, it may still be possible to obtain acceptable compatibility.
Each of those will be addressed in this series of articles.
Let me mention here that before numerology calculations can be done on it, your character must have a name. If you have a hard time thinking up names, the guide to character names post by Alex Limberg is likely to provide exactly the information you currently feel is out there somewhere.
If any of your characters also have a birth date, much treasure can be found with Numerology. Characters, like real people, can change during the end and beginning of certain cycles. This series of articles will also address those.
Even before writing a story, the character's numerology chart can be used as a guide or source of ideas while developing their biography or back story. The chart is likely to provide a deeper understanding of your character, which can make your writing stronger and connect with the reader at a deeper level.
The numerology chart, by itself or with a well-developed character biography, can be used as a guide toward keeping even complex interactions with other characters within expectations. And maintain reactions to surprising situations within the realm of plausibility.
A quick numerology chart can be obtained for your protagonist and other significant characters with free personal numerology readings. Additional free readings can be found at the Numerology Tools index page.
A numerology profile can be built for the protagonist and other characters with the various readings available at this website.
That profile can be consulted during plot development for a sensitivity to the protagonist's tendencies and inner desires. Also for clues to potential reactions to plot events.
Fiction Story Characters