Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Fiction Story Characters, Challenges

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People experience cycles of challenges. And there is a challenge that lasts their entire lifetime.

Fiction characters can have such challenges, too. To determine what they are, their dates of birth need to be determined. Numerology challenge calculations require a birth day, month, and year.

The birth date requirement is fortuitous because the author can select any date that works best for the character they have in mind.

But there is a caveat.

Whatever birth date is determined for a character, that same birth date needs to be used if doing calculations for other numerology cycles. All calculated numerology cycles are based on a birth date.

It is prudent for an author, if they will incorporate numerology-determined challenges for their characters, that the likelihoods and tendencies pertaining to the other cycles do not conflict. Otherwise, some readers may sense an incongruity even though they are unlikely to know exactly what it is they are mentally protesting.

With all cycles calculated from the same birth date, they are likely to be more consistent and the story more plausible.

There are two ways to calculate the numerology energy challenges a character may experience. There is a free online calculator for each method.

The challenges are similar for both methods. The primary differences are the cycle begin and end dates.

A fictional character may demonstrate the effects of a challenge within the cycle periods of either or both methods.

  1. The Delineated Method

    This calculation method results in 4 consecutive challenge cycles that span a normal human lifetime.

    The first cycle lasts for 27 to 35 years, depending on the birth date. The next two cycles each last for 9 years. The last cycle ends at death.

    Here is an online calculator you may use for testing the delineated challenges for various birth dates and becoming familiar with their interpretations: Life Challenges Delineated Calculator

  2. The Overlapped Method

    This method calculates 1 lifetime challenge and 3 consecutive challenge cycles that span a normal human lifetime. (It is called the overlapped method because the lifetime challenge overlaps the cycles.)

    The lifetime challenge is a resonance experienced by the character their entire fictional life.

    The first of the three cycles lasts for 27 to 35 years, depending on the birth date. The second cycle lasts for 27 years. The last cycle ends at death.

    This online calculator may be used for testing the overlapped challenge dates and interpretations for various birth dates: Life Challenges Overlapped Calculator

A fictional character's challenge can result in a learning experience, something through which the character gains certainty and clarity.

They are challenged to know more about themself, to gain skills, to experience, and attain confidence.

A challenge can be experienced in one or both of two ways.

  1. As a difficulty. As an example, a challenge related to creativity can result in boring or apathetic conversation.

  2. As a learning experience. As an example, a challenge related to creativity can result in a compelling need to learn an artistic skill (painting, dancing, …).

A fictive character can, of course, experience both aspects of a numerology challenge — just like people can.

Index to Series:
Fiction Story Characters
(more to come)

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