Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Fiction Story Characters,
Core Name Characteristics
Characters in fiction stories have names. Like in real life.
Whether or not intended by the author, their name is part of the portrayal of a character.
A general sense of the type of numerology energy a name represents often seeps into public consciousness. They see similar characteristics or actions associated with people with certain names.
A fiction story can sour for a reader if they think, "An 'Alice' wouldn't do that" or "That's not the kind of clothes a 'Joseph' would wear." The story becomes less plausible.
Doing numerology core name characteristic readings for your characters can provide a sense of how they would act in situations you have planned for them. Further, the interpretation of the numerology energies might provide ideas that can be interestingly incorporated into your story.
(If your character's name doesn't fit their actions and reactions as envisioned, outlined, or written, the name might be changed. Often, an added or omitted letter will change the numerology energies it represents.)
The Three Core Name Characteristics
The core name characteristics relate to the core numbers of a personal numerology chart. There are three core number chart positions for a name.
On a numerology chart, the positions are called "destiny", "personality", and "heart's desire".
Numerology Chart Destiny Position
The destiny position is the most important of the three. It relates to who the character knows themself to be, the individual that they are, and who they are evolving into.
Use the destiny tool to obtain a sense of the energy represented by the name for each of your characters. The tool responds with an interpretation of the destiny energy represented by the name.
If the name of your character indicates they are likely to follow whims to express their sense of freedom, you will learn it from the interpretation.
On the other hand, their destiny interpretation might indicate a proclivity to put all or most of their focus on building a firm and secure foundation for the future to rest on, a methodical plodding, with their life decisions affected by that trait.
There are twelve unique destiny energies that names can represent. When you use the destiny tool, it responds with an interpretation of the energy that particular name represents.
To learn more about the destiny position of the personal numerology chart, see the destiny number article.
Numerology Chart Personality Position
The personality interpretation of a character name relates to how they present themself to others. It also affects the first impression others have of the character. It is their persona.
The personality energy the character name represents may, as examples, affect the type of clothes they wear and their stance when they meet others.
The fiction story character may present certain aspects of themself as a facade, generally something of their persona enhanced or glorified. An example is a highly creative character expounding on their ability as a sculptor even though they may have little experience in that particular creative field.
Use the personality tool for interpretations of the personality energy represented by your character names.
Is it at least somewhat the way you want your character to present themself to others? Or what you want as the first impression of your character?
Does your character present themself as stable, pragmatic, dignified, and honest? Or do they present an adeptness with words and someone who entertains new ideas with relish? Perhaps they express themself in some other way.
Learn more about the personality position at the personality number article.
Numerology Chart Heart's Desire Position
The interpretation of the heart's desire position relates directly to the character's ever-present desire.
Even when the heart's desire is accomplished, the desire is still there. The desire may grow as necessary to always be more that what has been accomplished so far. Or the fact of accomplishing may be unrealized or actively pushed out of recognition.
On the other hand, it may be a perpetual heart's desire, such as being the best at a skill or career, or listening only to the best music as it becomes available. Or perpetually wanting more wisdom.
Use the heart's desire tool for your character names. The tool responds with an interpretation of the energy represented by that particular heart's desire number.
The character's overriding desire is likely to color their actions and life decisions.
Learn more about the heart's desire position at the heart's desire number article.
Incompatible Characteristics
Much creative fun can be had with apparently incompatible characteristics.
Let's use a "build a firm foundation for the future" heart's desire and an "expressing a personal sense of freedom" destiny for an example. The two seem to conflict, yet can also reveal character depth.
What tends to happen is an occasional deep focus on whatever it takes to secure a firm foundation for the future. Examples are building a business, writing a best seller, or promoting a product with continuous commissions.
Then a new interesting thing comes to the character's attention. And off they go, following that whim.
Then admonishing themself, half-heartedly because they did have fun and learned a lot, they throw themself back into the project to secure a firm foundation for the future.
You see how some very interesting scenarios can be written when there is a bit of incompatibility between the three core name characteristics.
Fiction Story Characters