Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Types of Numerology Predictions
Numerology reveals tendencies and likelihoods.
Thus, numerology can be used to predict the types of events that are likely to happen during the person's entire life, or during certain periods of their life. But generally not the specific events.
As an illustration, numerology may predict that events and circumstances during a certain year of a person's life will contain much introspection and study. But the prediction don't include whether or not the person will be a student at a specific school or, indeed, at any school at all. Nor will it predict what type of information will be found during introspection.
A reason why predictions must be general is because people have free will.
When credence is given to free will, the type of predictions must be general in nature. Individuals determine the specifics as life is lived.
A numerology prediction is actually a revelation. It reveals a tendency, a persistent but gentle nudge.
To further the earlier illustration, a prediction of a period of introspection and study is revelation of a tendency. What a person does relative to the nudge to be introspective and studious, if anything, is the free will part.
As you can see, the likelihood of certain general types of events and circumstances are highly predictable. Specifics are determined by the person who the prediction applies to — what they actually do, their actions and inactions.
Scope of Predictions
Numerology predictions made for individuals generally do not account for external influences — influences outside the scope of the individual's numerology chart. These are influences unaffected by numerology energies represented by the person's name or birth date.
The scope of numerology predictions is the intrinsic influence of the consistently present energy represented by the person's personal numerology chart. These would be the person's outlook on life, their personal characteristics, and cyclic influences, among others.
Duration of Predictions
Some predictions apply to the person's entire life.
Other predictions apply to certain cycles of a person's life. Some cycles last for nine or more years. Others for exactly one year. The shortest is the daily cycle.
The duration of the person's life or the duration of a cycle, whichever a prediction is made for, it is the duration of the prediction.
To get your own predictions, a place to start is the free online numerology reading. It will provide a short reading of your personal numerology chart.
Then, scan the types of online readings and calculators listed at the Free Numerology Tools page.