Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
External Influences
There are two broad numerology energy influences that can affect every individual.
The energy represented by the personal numerology chart. This is intrinsic influence.
All other influences are external influence.
External influences on the energy represented by your numerology chart are the subject of this article.
External Influences on Numerology Readings
There are several different types of influences that are good to be aware of.
The name first recorded at birth is an innate static influence. The influence may evolve by changing the name. Yet the basic influence is always there.
The birth date is an innate influence, both static and cyclic.
External influences are outside the person, not innate or intrinsic like the personal numerology chart.
"External" as used in this context means such things as the personal telephone number, the names of siblings, the name of the town of residence, the calendar year — anything outside a person with a name or number that can be subject to numerology calculations.
Now, we'll talk about the several types of external influences.
Numerology External Influences
External influences can be classed as personal, familial, societal, and global.
Note that external influences, while they may exert considerable influence while a person is within their ambience, generally have less influence than the energy represented by the person's numerology chart. See Influence From External Numerology Energy for further information about that.
Personal Environment Influence
Personal external influences are such things as the telephone number and email address — influences one generally has the ability to exert some control over without requiring the personal consent of others.
For telephone numbers, the telephone number numerology reading tool can be used to calculate the compatibility with your personal chart. There is also an email address tool.
Familial Environment Influence
Familial external influences are such things as the family name, names of siblings, and names and dates of family traditions. Those things shared by the entire family are the familial environment that influence the energy represented by the personal numerology chart.
See the ancestral traits for family name influences. A numerology reading for each family member can also be done.
Societal Environment Influence
Societal external influences are such things as the residence number, residence street address, and town or county name. When certain societal influences are undesired, they generally can be changed by relocating to a different societal environment.
To find the residence number and residence street address influences, use the street address numerology reading tool. The best locations tool can be used to see what influence your current geographical location may have on you.
Global Environment Influence
Global external influences are such things as the calendar date, the name of the planet, and the names of seasons. Those things shared by all of humankind are the global environment that influence the energy represented by the personal numerology chart.
The universal influence cycles calculator can be used for revealing world-wide cyclic influences.
Although external numerology energies generally have less influence on a person than the energies represented by their own personal numerology chart, there is influence. The influence can vary depending on the environment a person is in.
It is prudent to be aware of the influences that can have an effect as it may help to explain why something is different than would be expected according to the personal numerology chart.