Affinity Numerology : Numerology Tools Online
Location Compatibility Calculator
When a decision needs to be made between one location and another, it may help to know which is the most compatible with the personal numerology chart.
The compatibility of broad locations can be determined, like the names of countries. Also smaller geographical areas, like the names of cities or regions. (For street addresses, use the street address and residence number calculator.)
The calculator further below is designed to be used for determining if a person's numerology chart is compatible with certain locations — how well the energy represented by their chart resonates with the energy represented by the name of the location.
It is the name of the location that matters, in this case, not the latitude and longitude of the location.
Compatibility with a country can be determined. Compatibility with a state or province, too. And compatibility with a city.
Examples of Location Names
These examples describe how to determine a location name to insert into the calculator.
Specify the name of the location that is most important. If the city is most important, specify the name of the city. If it's the country, then specify the name of the country.
Sometimes, an entire area is important, such as a city and its province. And perhaps also its country.
Examples of city, city and province, and city in province of country:
Calgary Calgary, Alberta Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Whichever is most important is what you specify when you specify the location in the calculator.
Because the calculator allows multiple locations, each geographical location, separate and together, may be specified. Example:
Calgary Calgary, Alberta Calgary, Alberta, Canada Alberta Alberta, Canada Canada
Every specified location will have its own compatibility score. That is why it's important to determine which is the most important.
Is it the city that is most important? Perhaps it is the country. Or, the province and country together.
Whichever is most important, that is the compatibility score to consider.
There is more information about the resonance of various locations with your personal numerology chart at Personal Compatibility With Location.
Location Compatibility Calculator
Use the calculator to determine the compatibility of one or more location names with a personal numerology chart.
To use this calculator: Specify your birth name and birth date, then the locations you are considering. It will calculate the numerology energy compatibility of each location with the name and birth date.