
Free Online Numerology Tools

Free Personal Numerology Reading

Tap the title for your free online personal numerology reading.

Ancestor Attributes Reading

A person's family name can influence a person in the present.

Baby Name Selection Tool

This online software selects baby names for consideration when naming your baby. It uses traditional Pythagorean numerology calculations.

Balance Number Tool

The energy the balance number represents is a balancing influence for the rest of the numerology profile.

Best Company Name

The finder will tell you which of your acceptable company names is the best according to numerology and your numbers selections.

Best Name Finder

Use this tool to find the best name according to numerology.

Birth Date Compatible Baby Name Calculator

When you have one or more potential names for your baby, this calculator can be used to determine the numerological compatibility of each name with the baby's birth date.

Birth Date Cycles Tool

Numerology cycles are based on birth dates. Each cycle has a number.

Birth Day Core Number Tool

The day number of your birth date is a numerology chart core number. It's energy has a lifelong influence. The birth date is the only core number energy that is interpreted as is, without first finding the energy of a foundation number.

Calculate Lucky Numbers in Birth Date

Every birth date has numerology lucky numbers within it. Some are visible. Some are hidden. Some may repeat.

Calculate the Meaning of Any Number

Every number and every letter represents certain numerology energy.

Calculate Your Numerology for Any Day

Interpretations for any day of your life, past or future, can be provided with this calculator.

Calculating a Professional Name for a Singer

The success of a singing career may depend in part on having a memorable name that resonates with who you are and the singing you do — especially if you sing solo or your name is prominent with the group or band you sing with.

Calculators on Your Website

Some of the calculators at the Affinity Numerology website come with a line of code you can use to put the very same calculator on your own website.

Capstone Tool

The last letter of a person's first name represents how a person tends to complete projects, goals, tasks, end personal business.

Career Suggestions Tool

Let this web page suggest careers that are compatible with and resonate with your personal numerology chart.

Color Name Number Calculator

Color names have numbers, like people names and flower names and any other name each have a number.

Company Life Path Reading Tool

Similar to how people each have their own life path, companies also each have their own life path.

Company Name Compatibility Tool

This tool calculates the compatibility of a company name with the company's type or category of products or services.

Company Name Reading Tool

Company name numbers represent numerology energy that can be interpreted for the company.

Compatible Book Titles Tool

This tool is for authors, authors who have written a book. The tool can help select a title for the book, or a new title if the book's title is to be changed.

Compatible House Number

A compatible house, flat, or apartment number is one that resonates well with the numerology destiny numbers of the people who live there.

Core Birth Date Numbers Calculator

The most important calculations for a personal numerology chart are the core numbers. There are five core numbers and two of them are calculated from the person's birth date.

Core Name Numbers Calculator

The most important calculations for a personal numerology chart are the core numbers. There are five core numbers and three of them are calculated from the person's name.

Core Numbers Calculator

Unless a specialized reading is the purpose, numerology readings are based on the core numbers. They are the foundation.

Cornerstone Letter Tool

The numerology cornerstone letter represents how a person tends to approach life.

Daily Lucky Numbers Calculator

Every day, get your lucky numbers here. Because at least some of your numerology lucky numbers change every day. Their strength changes or the numbers themselves change.

Daily Numerology Reading

Get your daily numerology reading by providing your month and day of birth in the form.

Daily Numerology Reading Calculator

Get your daily reading every day, so you can take it into consideration as you approach the day or make plans for it.

Date Meaning Calculator

Every date represents certain numerology energy. Use this calculator to interpret the energy for meaning.

Dates for Getting a Job

When a person is looking for a certain type of job, numerology calculations can reveal the dates when it is more likely that a person will get the job.

Diagrammed Numerology Chart

Some numerologists use diagrams to represent chart positions for live readings.

Easy Numerology Numbers

Easy to use calculator to find the numerology number of many things at once.

Email Numerology Calculator

What is your email address saying about you? Is it correct or does it give people a wrong impression?

Event Timing Predictor

Reliable numerology predictions and forecasts for when specific events will happen are elusive. But numerology can help.

Favorable Travel Dates Calculator

Some dates are better for travel than are other dates, according to numerology calculations.

Film/Stage Actor Name Tool

Whether acting in film or on stage, the success of your career may depend on having a memorable name that resonates with who you are and the type of acting you do.

Foundation Number Calculator

A foundation number is a number calculated from a multi-digit number.

Friendship Compatibility Calculator

Determine the numerology chart friendship compatibility of two people.

Gemstone Numerology Chart Resonance Tool

The gemstone resonance tool can be used to determine which gemstones resonate best with various positions of your numerology chart. And to see which have dissonance.

General Compatibility Calculator

Use this tool to determine the numerology compatibility of two people. Percentage of compatibility is calculated for several different profile aspects.

Heart's Desire Number Calculator

The heart's desire number indicates what your foundation is apt to be — what drives you, what you strive for, the most compelling lifelong inner urge — that which is closely aligned with what you sense is your purpose in life, that from which your enthusiasm and energy springs.

Hidden Passion Calculator

Every letter of your name is represented by a number. The numbers most often repeated reveal your hidden passion number. Unless there is a tie.

Intrinsic Core Numbers Calculator

When a name or birth date is calculated, the first result is often a multi-digit number. It is the intrinsic number for that calculation.

Intrinsic Numbers Calculator

Numerology calculations sometimes require more than one step. The result of the first step is the intrinsic number for the relevant chart position.

Life Challenges Delineated Calculator

There are two ways the life challenge prediction numbers and timing can be calculated. This is the Life Challenge Predictions Delineated method.

Life Challenges Overlapped Calculator

There are two ways the life challenge prediction numbers and timing can be calculated. This is the Life Challenge Predictions Overlapped method.

Life Path Calculator

Use the numerology life path calculator for an interpretation related to what the tone, likelihoods, and tendencies are likely to be present during your entire life.

Life Periods Calculator

When a person experiences a full life, they will experience three life period cycles.

Lifetime Best Lucky Number Calculator

The best lifetime lucky number is the one calculated from the entire birth date. It's an unchangeable number because birth dates can't be changed.

Lifetime Cycle Numbers

A personal numerology chart may contain none, one, a few, or many cycles. It depends the chart, how deep it explores.

Likely Marriage Dates Calculator

This page contains a calculator for discovering the dates when marriage is more likely — and the dates when marriage is less likely.

Likely True Love Dates Calculator

Use this numerology calculator to find out when is romance or true love likely to happen for you!

Location Compatibility Calculator

When a decision needs to be made between one location and another, it may help to know which is the most compatible with the personal numerology chart.

Lucky Days Calendar

This personal numerology lucky days calendar can help you predict which days are more likely to be lucky for you.

Lucky Months Calculator

The calculator determines which months of a year are likely to be the lucky months according to your personal numerology chart.

Marriage Compatibility Reading

A percentage or degree of marriage compatibility can be calculated with numerology.

Marriage Destiny Tool

A marriage has a numerology destiny number of its own.

Marriage Life Path Tool

A marriage has a life path energy represented by the numerology number calculated from the wedding date.

Master Numbers Tool

The numbers 11, 22, and 33 are often found in numerology charts. But they are not always master numbers.

Meaning of the Number

This is a quick calculator you can use on this page. Or, you can put the calculator on your own web page for your visitors to use.

Missing Name Numbers Tool

Certain numerology energy is apt to be experienced when a number is missing from a name.

Multi-Digit Number Calculations

Usually, especially for free readings, only the calculated foundation number is used for interpretation.

Name Analysis Calculator

A name analysis is done to for knowledge about oneself, or the person the analysis is for, and a feeling of certainty.

Name Change Energy Calculator

A name change adds energy. It does not get rid of the energies of the birth name.

Name/Date of Birth Compatibility Tool

Name and birth date compatibility can be determined by comparing of the name number with the birth date number.

Name Energy Intensification Calculator

The number repeated most often in a name represents a special intensification of the the number's energies.

Name List/Birth Date Compatibility Calculator

Some people want their name and birth date to be compatible. Changing their name is an option.

Name Numbers Calculator

For each major name number, each name core number, the calculator provides an illustration of the calculations and an interpretation of energy the calculated result represents.

New Name Tool

Before selecting a new name, determine which numerology energies are most important for you.

Non-English Alphabet Numbers Tool

Any alphabet representing any spoken language can be used in numerology calculations.

Numbers for Any Text Calculator

This calculator assists authors and readers to determine the numerology resonance of written works.

Numerology Birth Date Numbers Calculator

Use the calculator to calculate the two major birth date number positions of a numerology chart.

Numerology Calculators for Your Website

This is the new calculator code page. It defaults to the code required for the Free Numerology Reading on your website.

Numerology Destiny Tool

The numerology destiny number relates to both the person you know yourself to be now, and the person you tend to become more of or evolve into.

Numerology for Anything Calculator

Numerology calculations can be done for anything with a name, date, description, or other means of identification that can be written or numbered.

Numerology Gift-suggestions Tool

Use this gift-suggestions tool when you want to delight them with something they'll love.

Numerology Lucky Colors Tool

Numerology lucky colors are lucky because they resonate with the numerology energies represented by your personal numerology chart.

Numerology Lucky Numbers Tool

The lucky numbers tool is a calculator with options. You select which lucky numbers you want and the tool calculates them for you.

Numerology Personal Day Calendar

The numerology personal day number's resonance is for insight into the ebb and flow of our lives on a day to day basis. The numbers reveal tendencies for certain types of things to exist or happen.

Numerology Personal Month Calculator

The energy represented by your personal month number influences the types of events and circumstances you are likely to experience — the types attracted to you during the month.

Numerology Pinnacles Calculator

The four pinnacle changes can bring life changes. They are a roadmap. They can herald a deeper life experience.

Numerology Predictions That Work

Numerology predictions that forecast certain inclinations and tendencies can work — especially when correctly interpreting the results of accurate calculations based on traditional Pythagorean numerology.

Open Heart Calculator

The urge represented by the energy of the open heart letter is likely to color almost everything you do in life.

Pen Name Tool

This calculator can help you determine a good pen name for your writings according to numerology.

Personal Cycles vs. Universal Cycles Reading

Like personal numerology charts, universal/world energies change every day, month, and year. They affect you and the entire world. Get a reading here.

Personality Number Calculator

The personality number calculator uses the letters of your name to determine your personality number and a glimpse of the real you.

Personal Year Calculator

The numerology personal year number changes every year. The number represents energy that is present during the entire calendar year.

Personal Year, Month, and Day Calculator

This calculator responds with the calendric numbers and with an interpretation of the numerology energy represented by those numbers.

Pinnacle and Life Period Lucky Numbers Calculator

The pinnacle and life period cycles provide the person with one or two long-term lucky numbers.

Power Number Calculator

The energy represented by the numerology power number comes into force during early midlife, around age 40 to 45, sometimes a few years later.

Predict Likely Marriage Dates

The calculator on this page can reveal the time periods when marriage is more likely for you. The calculator looks up to 10 years into the future. All the calculator needs is your birth month and day.

Product Name Tool

Product names, book titles, building names — they all have numerology numbers associated with them. This calculator reveals the numbers.

Quiescent-self Number Calculator

The quiescent-self number represents the energy of quiescent periods when a person so thoroughly immerses themself in their visualization of ideal existence that it feels like it is occurring in the present.

Residence Number and Street Address Compatibility Calculator

Although residence numbers are less important than personal numerology chart numbers, it generally is preferred that the numbers associated with where one lives are compatible with the personal numerology core chart numbers.

Romance Compatibility Calculator

Romance is a period for two people to playfully engage in the process of getting to know each other before making a lifetime commitment.

Talents Discovery Tool

Talent is a natural endowment resulting in an unusual innate ability or aptitude in some field or activity.

Telephone Number Compatibility

The calculator for Telephone Number Compatibility is designed to determine compatibility in various ways.

Text Line-By-Line Tool

This tool can be useful for reviewing the numerology energy resonance of each line of your writing.

The Essence Transit Calculator

A name and birth date is all the essence transit calculator needs to figure an essence of the individual you recognize as yourself.

The Name and Birth Date Bridge Tool

The bridge number indicates the type of things that may be considered, focused on, or acted on to heighten the ability to utilize talents and life experience.

This Day's Numbers Calculator

At least one of your personal numerology numbers changes every day. Sometimes more.

Universal Influence Cycles Calculator

This calculator is about the cyclic universal energies that can be calculated with numerology. Specifically, the yearly cycles, monthly cycles, and daily cycles

Universal Year Number Tool

This calculator provides the numerology universal year and meaning for any year past, present, or future up to year 9999.

Use Numerology to Predict Dates

The calculator predicts dates when events and circumstances are more likely to resonate with the energies of your path through life.

Vehicle Number Tool

This tool was designed to help you determine the numerology numbers for an acceptable vehicle plate number.

Your Edge on Life

Recognizing certain qualities about yourself gives you an edge on life. Your decisions can be more informed, more aligned with your own persona and the likely tone of future events.

Calculator for Professional Numerologists

This calculator for professional numerologists provides a broad range of numerology chart numbers using Pythagorean numerology calculations. Only the numbers are provided, no interpretations.

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Numerology Readings
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Remember: Your future is likely to be affected by what you do today.