Affinity Numerology : Numerology Tools Online
Easy Numerology Numbers
When you need to determine the numerology number of any line of text, this calculator can be used. (For items longer than one line, such as an email, a book chapter, etc, use the Numerology for Anything Calculator tool.)
If the item is a name, a date, a number, a word, a phrase, or a sentence (as examples), this calculator can handle it. Simply type it in and click the button.
The numbers for many items can be obtained all at once by typing each on a line by itself.
Whatever is typed in is reduced to its single-digit number — unless the relevant checkbox is checked, in which case the calculator will publish any master numbers without reducing them to their single-digit.
As an example, if you have more than one version of a sentence and want to know their numbers before deciding which to use, this tool can be useful.
As another example, suppose you and your romantic interest want to find your numbers. Simply type in both of your names (one per line). If you want to get the numbers of your birth dates, too, type those in also (again, one per line).
The calculated numerology number of each line is determined. Any master numbers will be published as such when the relevant checkbox is checked.
You'll find more ideas at the Get the Numbers article. Also at the Discover Your Numbers article for things relating to numerology charts for individuals.
Easy Numerology Numbers
Website owner?
FREE: Embed this Numerology Numbers Line-by-Line calculator in your web page.
List what you want calculated, one per line. Every line will be calculated separately for its individual number.