Affinity Numerology : Number Meanings
Get the Numbers
There is an easy way to get the number of individual names, addresses, birth dates, and any other word or set of words.
The online calculator was designed to do exactly that. Type in a list of names, addresses, etc and click the button.
The number of each item in your list is calculated separately. Calculated numbers are linked to a web page with an interpretation of the energy represented by the number.
The Discover Your Numbers article describes how to get your personal numerology numbers, the numbers of your numerology chart. This article talks about getting the number for other things.
Having a party? Get the number of every person on the guest list. Have fun by telling each person what their number is. The calculations can also be used to see who is more compatible with whom.
The Compatibility of Number Energy article contains a compatibility/incompatibility chart that may come in handy.
More ideas for using the calculation tool are further below.
Get Numbers Tool Features
The online Easy Numerology Numbers calculation tool can calculate the number of more than one thing (name, address, place, date, etc) at a time. Many items can be calculated with one click. When typing them into the calculation tool's form, type each item on a separate line.
Whatever is typed in is reduced to its single-digit number. Optionally, the master numbers can be published instead of being reduced to a single digit.
If you check the relevant checkbox, the tool will total the calculated number of every item to obtain the numerology number of the entire set.
The tool's versatility makes it useful for many different things. Calculate whatever you need the number of.
Ideas for Using the Tool
Get the number of every member a family, team, or organization. Or the number of every person on a bus, on a guest list, or in a class.
Get the number of email addresses, street addresses, cities and countries, and article titles. (This article title Get the Numbers is a 4, — a number that represents an energy resonating with the idea of methods and paying attention to details.)
Get the number of anything with a name or number associated with it.
I expect you have additional ideas for the calculation tool.
Here are more ideas, categorized.
People Names
The calculator can be used in various ways to get the numbers of people names.
A name can be typed in to get its number. This is probably the way it's used most often to get a name number.
As an alternative, if the name has more than one word (first name, last name), each word of the name can be typed on a separate line. In that way, the number can be obtained for each word of the name and for the name as a whole.
Here is the calculated results of the name, Daiy Jane Fictive, using that technique. The name was typed in as:
Daiy Jane Fictive
After clicking the button, the result was this:
The line to calculate The
numberDaiy 3 Jane 3 Fictive 11 Total: 8 Click each calculated number to go to a page that talks about the meaning of the energy the number represents.
A guest list can be put into the calculator. The result is the name number of each guest. Here is an example. The guest list was typed in as:
Dusky John Alvin Fictive Daiy Jane Fictive Nieght John Fictive Sunrise Fictive
The result was this:
The line to calculate The
numberDusky John Alvin Fictive 7 Daiy Jane Fictive 8 Nieght John Fictive 4 Sunrise Fictive 8 For a guest compatibility check, click on the calculated numbers individually to read about the numbers and become familiar with them or use the chart at the Compatibility of Number Energy article for a quick answer.
Other Names
Names of ships, plants, animals, objects, countries, cities, etc. can be calculated the same ways that people names can be calculated. When reading the number meanings, mentally translate the meanings to apply to the animal or item with the name.
The numerology number of titles can be calculated.
Formal and informal position titles. As examples, "President" is a number 2. And both "Chief Operating Officer" and "Big Sister" are the number 9.
The numerology number can be obtained for book titles, article titles, email subject lines, and other titles. As noted earlier, this article's title, Get the Numbers, is the number 4.
Each line of a poem can have its numerology number determined. The numerology number of the poem as a whole is the total of the numbers of the individual lines.
Here is an example of the technique. The poem was typed in as:
Roses are red. Violets are blue. Honey is sweet. And so are you.
The line to calculate | The calculated number |
Roses are red. | 1 |
Violets are blue. | 4 |
Honey is sweet. | 5 |
And so are you. | 3 |
Total: | 4 |
Click each calculated number to go to a page describing the number's meaning.
House/Apartment/Flat Numbers
Type in the entire number, whether composed of only numbers, only letters, or a letter-number combination.
If the number includes a building or floor number, they may be calculated separately or together. Putting the number on one line of the calculator and the building/floor number on another can provide the number for each and the number for both together.
Street Addresses
For street addresses, type in any numbers with the official spelling of the street name.
A road might be spelled "Road" or "Rd." Street may be "Street" or "St." And so forth.
The official spelling may be determined by copying from a city street sign. Or copying from the official register of street names the city most likely maintains.
For street addresses that include an apartment/flat number and/or a building number, type that information in with the street address.
Zip/Postal Codes
Whether composed of all numbers, all letters, or a letter-number combination, postal codes and zip codes also have a numerology number.
Type it into the calculation tool and click the button.
Birthdays and Other Dates
When calculating the numerology number for dates, type the month as a number. January would be 1, February 2, and so forth with December being 12.
The spelled-out month names may be calculated separately, if desired. But for dates, the month needs to be specified as a number.
Other Numbers
Every multi-digit number has its own numerology number. Multi-digit means any number larger than 9.
Type it into the calculation tool and click the button.
To get the numerology number of a total of a series of numbers, type each number on a line by itself.
Make sure the "calculate number of all lines added together" checkbox is checked to get the numerology number of the total.
The Numerology Number Calculation Tool
Use the online tool at Easy Numerology Numbers to calculate the numerology number of dates, phrases, titles, names, anything with letters and/or numbers. It is a handy tool. Bookmark it to have it available when you need it.