Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

The Potential of Master Numbers

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A master number brings additional numerology energy.

Master number energy is not imposed on a person. Instead, it is available should the person decide to align with it.

The master number 11 brings energy that resonates with highly developed intuition — in addition to the coexistence and other resonances of the energy represented by the number 2.

The master number 22 brings energy that resonates with bringing dreams into reality — in addition to the focus and other resonances of the energy represented by the number 4.

The master number 33 brings energy that resonates with selfless service — in addition to the family and other resonances of the energy represented by the number 6.

Master numbers can occur in one or more core numerology chart positions. The core numbers are all chart positions of major significance.

Generally, the core numbers calculate to single-digit numbers. But master numbers may result.

Any one or more of the core positions may contain master numbers.

Master numbers may occur in other numerology chart positions, too, but have little effect unless there is at least one master number calculated for a core position.

Having a master number in a core position provides significant potential. That is, provided the person decides to use the energy. Otherwise, the master number is ineffectual.

By "potential" we mean having the capacity to express the energy represented by the master number. It's a possibility, a prospect.

Read the master numbers article for interpretations of the three master numbers.

As stated, the master number potential doesn't have to be developed or used or otherwise expressed or taken advantage of. It's just there, available.

Being available, it's likely the energy will make itself felt, resulting in an urge to express it. Whether or not to follow the urge is a free choice.

A successful life is lived as a person prefers to live it — regardless what other potentials exist, including any numerology master number potentials.

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