Affinity Numerology : Number Meanings
Number 1 Meaning
The numerology energy represented by the number 1 is self‑reliant.
It goes about its own business, pursues its own goals, and has no need for companionship. It is independent, self-determined, and self-sufficient.
The number 1 energy resonates with an urge to explore new ideas, ways of doing things, and physical locations — which may include seeing if existing machinery or methods can accomplish more than they are now expected to with a change here or there.
The energy can coexist with other energy but is comfortable being alone. It has no requirement for companionship or partnership.
The energy represented by the numerology number 1 is imbued with solitary existence and individualism.
A person imbued with number 1 energy tends to be comfortable within social gatherings, but generally doesn't feel as included that other numbers might. The person is apt to be optimistic where its own goals and activities are concerned, yet doesn't identify much with others' pursuits that do not align with their own.
The meaning of the number 1 is an interpretation of the energy the number represents. As an overview, the energy represents a composition containing the ideas of:
- Self-determination
- Exploration
- Aloneness
- Independence
- Self-sufficiency
- Self-reliance
- Uniqueness
- Individualism
- Leadership
These are examples interpretations for two personal numerology chart positions.
With a 1 name number (the destiny number of a numerology chart), the person's destiny resonates with an independent and unique approach to life. The resonance is one of self-reliance and suggests establishing goals without a need to consult others first. The resonance includes a preference to be left unhampered.
With a 1 birth date number (the life path number of a numerology chart), the energy resonates with events and circumstances related to doing things alone. Events are likely to demand or suggest independence and self-determination. Circumstances tend to resonate with individualism and making decisions without consulting others.
See the article About Numerology Number Meanings for an introduction to the essence of the energies that numbers represent.
The Basic or Core Essence of 1 Energy
The deep down basic essence of the numerology number 1 energy resonates with self‑reliance. Other interpretations of the energy the number 1 represents must take that resonance into account.
The numerology energy represented by the number 1 is the self-reliance of separation from the numerology energy represented by the number 0. See Number 0 Meaning for a description of the 0 energy.
The 1 energy is an inversion of the 0 essence, "all that is" being inverted to "self‑reliant." To understand this, it may help to imagine the sensation of a sudden separation from everything.
The energy resonates with a determination to find out what this being alone is about — to experience and explore the characteristics and potentials of the energy itself.
Self‑reliance is an absence of interference.
The person imbued with 1 energy can be aloof, especially when they feel they are being judged as inadequate or unacceptable in some way. They do not need understanding or praise, just to be left alone to be what they are without interference or disparagement from others.
They cherishes their independence and the ability to make up their own mind and to pursue their own goals without being hampered by others. The person with this resonance can be a leader, and a good one, but may have less empathy for the followers than the followers would desire.
The 1 energy attracts opportunities to express independence. Opportunities to explore appeal.
The energy is by nature independent and self-sufficient. Although alone, everything needed for continued existence is already at hand.
That's 1.