Affinity Numerology : Number Meanings
About Numerology Number Meanings
Numbers represent numerology energy. The energy is where number meanings come from.
Numerology number meanings are interpretations of the energy the numbers represent.
Generally, a numerology number is interpreted as it applies to the situation the number pertains to — examples are a destiny position in a numerology chart or the resonance of a street address.
Extensive interpretations can be made. Entire articles or even books can be written by interpreting how the energy represented by a number applies to certain situations.
For numerology charts, the energy of a certain number is interpreted differently depending on the chart position.
The energy a number represents can have an innate meaning, a meaning not associated with a numerology chart or life situation. It would be an interpretation without any particular context in mind, just the number energy by itself.
Innate meanings are the number meanings this article addresses.
The composition of interpretations depend on the interpreter — although the essence of every interpretation by numerologists using Pythagorean numerology tend to agree. (Probably there would be similar agreement among numerologists of other numerology practices. I can't make a statement either way with that because my experience is primarily Pythagorean.)
Further below, you'll find a short interpretation of each basic energy from which all numerology number meanings are derived. These are the energies represented by the ten numbers 0 through 9.
(Larger multi-digit numbers represent energy amalgamated or composed of the energy represented by each of the digits within the number and also the single digit the multi-digit number is reduced to.)
One-word Interpretations
Here is a list of one-word descriptions for the energy represented by each single-digit number.
0 = Everything
1 = Alone
2 = Together
3 = Creative
4 = Pragmatic
5 = Freedom
6 = Nurture
7 = Introspection
8 = Business
9 = Humanitarian
You'll notice that the essence of each energy is unique. While not entirely opposite or contrary to the essence before or after it, each is nevertheless quite different.
One-paragraph Interpretations
Here's a one-paragraph number-meaning interpretation of each of the above. The "(More)" link at the end of each paragraph leads to an article about that number.
0 — Everything — This is the essence of the idea of all of existence, the composite of everything. Although existence also includes limitations, numerology reading interpretations of this energy generally assume it is without inherent limitations of any kind. Descriptive words are wholeness, inclusiveness, comprehensiveness, potential, possibilities, and all-that-is. (More)
1 — Alone — There is a sense of being separate, of existing alone. By definition, because it does exist, the essence includes self-determination and self-sufficiency. A leader might feel like this. Descriptive words are self-determined, pathfinding, alone, independent, self-sufficient, leading, and self-reliant. (More)
2 — Together — There is partnership and companionship. There's a feeling of belonging and caring. There may be romance. Generally, there is teamwork. Always, there is coexistence. Descriptive words are interpersonal, companionable, coexistent, romantic, diplomatic, and cooperative. (More)
3 — Creative — The essence is composed of creative self-expression. Creativity can be manifested in various ways — painting, dance, writing, architecture, sculpting, decoration, even social interaction. Descriptive words are social, optimistic, tolerant, inspirational, creative, expressive, and artistic. (More)
4 — Pragmatic — The essence includes a sensible and determined approach to accomplishing anything. Goals are likely to include building a secure foundation for the future. Descriptive words are systematic, security oriented, focused, dedicated, persistent, dependable, conscientious, pragmatic, patient, practical, dedicated, and methodical. (More)
5 — Freedom — Expression of a personal sense of freedom is this essence. The expression can have many aspects — impromptu travel, learning new things, wittiness, sensuality, immersion in various cultures, following whim. Descriptive words are expressive of personal freedom, sensual, intense, curious, witty, adventurous, broad-minded, dynamic, changeable, and versatile. (More)
6 — Nurture — The essence resonates with nurturing family first, then friends and the community. It takes its nurturing responsibilities seriously. It promotes harmony and encourages an idealistic way of life. Descriptive words are idealistic, domestic, nurturing, compassionate, cooperative, responsible, harmonious, and family centric. (More)
7 — Introspection — The essence is focused on knowing itself and the world it exists in. Study is an aspect of the essence, as is wisdom. Answers generally come from within. There's a quest for perfection. Descriptive words are perceptive, astute, introspective, wise, analytic, literary, spiritual, intuitive, and knowledgeable. (More)
8 — Business — The essence is about operating businesses and accumulating material resources. It's also about building great works that benefit people for a long time. The essence is efficient and balanced. Descriptive words are constructive, business-minded, realistic, materialistic, efficient, balanced, managerial, confident, authoritative, and enterprising. (More)
9 — Humanitarian — Well-being of humanity is the focus of this essence. It is tolerant and compassionate and promotes philanthropic activities related to promoting a contented state of happiness and health and prosperity for humanity. Descriptive words are humanitarian, philanthropic, idealistic, tolerant, compassionate, creative, worldly, broadminded, generous, visionary, and dramatic. (More)
The above paragraphs provide succinct interpretations of the energy represented by each single-digit number. Links to individual articles dedicated to those and to many multi-digit numbers are below.
More Extensive Number Meanings
Each number in the list below is linked to a dedicated article for the number. It is a way to learn more about the energy represented by various numbers.
If the number you're interested in isn't on the list, the Calculate the Meaning of Any Number can be used.
Here is the list. Click the number to read the article.
As noted earlier, if the number you're interested in isn't on the list, use this tool: Calculate the Meaning of Any Number