Affinity Numerology : Number Meanings
Number 107 Meaning
107 energy is an efficient builder. It is a realistic and self-reliant business energy.
A person whose destiny is calculated with an intrinsic number 107 exists with numerology energy that nudges them toward material success.
Their outlook tends to be balanced. Their goals, their life pursuits, tend to be related to large works that benefit a large geographical area. The works tend to be related to things like computer systems, roads, civic buildings, shopping centers, or political reform.
107 rarely asks for permission to build something, other than whatever it takes for the project to maintain compliance with governmental rules and restrictions.
The energy represented by the numerology number 107 includes a resonance with going it alone, infinite potential, and introspection.
To determine the energy the number 107 represents, the multi-digit number 107 is reduced to a single digit. The result is the number 8, a building number. Energies represented by the numbers 1, 0, and 7 also have influence, which include self-determinism, comprehensiveness, and analysis, respectively.
Number Meaning Is Derived From the Intrinsic Nature or Characteristics of the Energy the Number Represents
The energy a numerology number represents can be thought of as the number's essence, its basic tone or vibration. As an overview, the essence of the number 107 is a composite containing the ideas of:
- Building
- Efficiency
- Self-determination
- Comprehensiveness
- Realism
- Independence
- Introspection
Meanings of the number 107 are interpretations of the energy the number represents in relation to its numerology chart position, or in relation to the situation or circumstances where the number occurs.
A person whose personality is calculated with an intrinsic number 107 tends to present themself as a materially successful person. There may be intentional demonstration of wealth — but not pretentious, as they tend to be a balanced personality and live with a realistic outlook.
With the number 107 pertaining to something in the environment, interpret the situation as if it included an idea related to business, control, finance, potential, or material acquisition.
See the article About Numerology Number Meanings for an introduction to the essence of the energies that numbers represent, and for deriving meanings for individual numbers depending on what the number pertains to or is associated with.
The Basic or Core Essence of 107
The deep down basic essence of the energy the numerology number 107 represents is related to building things. Other meanings of the number 107 must take that resonance into account.
The number 107 is composed of the digits 1, 0, and 7. The foundation number is 8.
Here are the calculations to determine the foundation number:
1+0+7 = 8
The numerology energy represented by the number 107 is a composite. It includes the energy represented by the foundation number and also the energy represented by the individual digits.
See the following articles for interpretations of the energy represented by the foundation number 8 and each unique digit in the number 107. The foundation number is listed first.
The foundation number energy always has more force or capacity than the energy represented by the digits of the number being reduced. The relative amount each contributes to the whole could be represented by this graph:
Thus, the 107 energy contains:
- a large dose of 8 energy such as business, pragmatism, and building,
- plus a dose of 1 energy such as independence, leadership, and self-sufficiency,
- plus a dose of 0 energy such as wholeness, comprehensiveness, and infinite potential,
- plus a dose of 7 energy such as introspection, inner wisdom, and intuition.
The blend results in an energy unique to the number 107.
The energy represented by the numerology number 107 is about building. It builds things. It builds companies, institutions, roads, bridges, buildings, computer systems, procedures, and other things of value to society.
It's a material energy. Those with an intrinsic number 107 tend to consciously experience that energy, resulting in a material outlook.
The person with an intrinsic 107 destiny or personality number generally is an effective manager.
The person tends to build things that endure for a long time.
107 energy is pragmatic. It is efficient, realistic, self-reliant, intuitive, and gets things done.
The energy is assured, assertive, and business-minded. It values having control. It has seemingly unlimited potential. It is realistic, balanced, efficient, and self-determined. There is a material detachment sufficient to advance projects and manage people without being personally affected by the outcomes.
That's 107.