Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Intrinsic Numbers
In numerology, there are intrinsic numbers and there are foundation numbers.
Numbers in numerology charts generally are calculated as foundation numbers for presentation. So what you end up with, for most chart postions, are any of nine different numbers — 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. (Some chart positions may have master numbers 11, 22, or 33, but most will be single-digits.)
A chart position's interpretation is then based on the foundation number.
This results in a conundrum: Most numerology interpretations are based on only nine different numbers. Yet, there are more than nine different types of people.
Some people feel uncomfortable about being placed in one of only nine available slots. And rightly so.
It can be pointed out that each position in the numerology chart has its own number and its own interpretation, and that it's highly unlikely that any two persons have the same numbers in each chart position.
Intellectually, that information may be satisfying. But it doesn't make the feeling go away.
So, what's the answer?
The answer is rarely talked about at numerology web sites. And I've never seen the information associated with any free online numerology reading.
Not every time, but almost always, when a name or birth date is calculated, the result is a multi-digit number. That is the intrinsic number.
The foundation number is then calculated from that intrinsic number. And the foundation number is used for interpretations.
Here is an example calculation of a birth date that arrives at the date's intrinsic number:
June 28, 1987 6 + 2+8 + 1+9+8+7 = 41
The above intrinsic number 41
was calculated from the birth date June 28, 1987.
The reason for reducing the intrinsic number to a foundation number is to arrive at the number's base vibration.
This example uses the same birth date and calculates it to intrinsic number and then foundation number.
June 28, 1987 6 + 2+8 + 1+9+8+7 = 41 (intrinsic) 4+1 = 5 (foundation)
The numerology energy represented by the above foundation number 5
is then interpreted for the numerology reading.
Because the interpretation is done from the foundation number, the foundation number is the number that's presented during explanations of meaning. Numerology readings almost never clearly state the intrinsic number.
So that's the reason for the conundrum: Reading calculations result in intrinsic numbers. The foundation numbers are then calculated. Only the foundation numbers are associated with the readings. It can make a person feel like they're slotted into one of less than ten available slots.
Professional numerologists are likely to refer to the intrinsic numbers as well as the foundation numbers when composing individual custom numerology interpretations for personal readings. During the presentation of the reading, they might or might not reveal or talk about the intrinsic numbers.
The numerology energy represented by the foundation number generally composes a bit over half of the birth date or name's energy amalgamation. The foundation number energy and the energy represented by each digit of the intrinsic number all contribute.
To obtain a bar graph representing the various amount of energy contribution to the whole, use the any-number calculator. Provide the calculator with the intrinsic number you are interested in and it will respond with information about the energy it represents.
If you are interested in your personal numerology core numbers, both intrinsic and foundation numbers, the intrinsic core numbers calculator can be used.
Free online numerology readings are unlikely to use intrinsic numbers for the automated interpretation. Full, paid readings might or might not. Personal readings prepared by professional numerologists are more likely to present intrinsic numbers and use them in calculations.