Affinity Numerology : Numerology Tools Online
Pen Name Tool
This numerology calculator can help you determine a pen name for your writings.
A pen name is a pseudonym, a fictitious name assumed by a writer instead of their real name. In literary works, a pen name is sometimes referred to as a nom de plume.
Reasons for using a pen name include writing under a distinctive name and using different names for different genres.
What matters is more than the resonance of the name. The Pen Name Information article goes into detail about other aspects, including an extended list of reasons for using a pen name. To help you determine a great numerology-calculated pen name for yourself, use this calculator.
The numbers of a name represent certain energies. The birth date can help, although specific birth date numbers aren't necessary when the name contains the numbers beneficial for a writer.
You'll need a list of one or more pen names that you are considering. The calculator provides a score for each name. The name's score takes the birth date number into consideration.
A score of 2 or more is good. The larger the score, the better the name according to the numerology calculations.
If more than one of the names on your list qualify, select the highest scoring name or the one that appeals to you most.
On the other hand, if none of the names on your list qualify, expand your list and do the procedure again.
Note: It isn't required to qualify your pen name with numerology. The name won't make or break you or your career.
The numerology energies of a name only help or hinder, they don't make or break. It's up to you to do the things required for a good writing career, one that you consider to be successful.
Use this calculator to determine the positive resonance for pen names you are considering.