Affinity Numerology : Name Changes

Pen Name Information

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Writers are in a unique position. The names on their works are often made up. They are pen names.

Some writers write more than one type of material — short stories, scientific papers, sales pages, novels, how-to manuals — where using the same name for each may be awkward. (An example would be a writer who authors both scientific papers and zombie fiction.)

Other writers may write fiction in several genres. It may be appropriate to use a different pen name for each genre to avoid reader confusion.

Determining the right pen name can be important.

It isn't only the numerological resonance of the pen name that may help or hinder the writer and/or their book. The reader's perception of the name can matter, too.

  • A pen name that resonates with the readers of the genre can attract attention.

  • A pen name that's readily pronounceable can be easier to remember.

  • A pen name that fits the genre or type of writing can give the writer implied credibility beyond the writing itself.

A distinct pen name is more likely to attract attention than one similar to others that readers of the genre are already aware of.

There are a number of reasons for using a pen name other than the author's personal name. They include:

  1. Using a name more suitable than the personal name.

  2. Writing under a distinctive name.

  3. Disguising the author's gender.

  4. Differentiate the author from the name of another author.

  5. Using different names for different genres.

  6. Resonating with the theme of a book or a series of books.

  7. Distancing an author from their previous works.

Determining a Pen Name

Start with a list of names that would be acceptable by you — and that are also appropriate, easily pronounced, and are likely to resonate with the genre you are writing in.

When the list is ready, use the Pen Name Tool to do the calculation for determining the best pen name.

The most desirable number for a pen name is the number 5 or the number 7. Second is the number 3 or the number 9. If your birth date number is one of those, then all the better.

If more than one of the pen names on your list are suitable, then you are in the enviable position of an author who can choose which pen name to assume.

On the other hand, if none of the pen names on your list make the grade, and it is important that at least one name does, expand your list and use the calculator again.

Note that it is not required that your pen name aligns with numerology calculations. The name won't make or break you or your career.

The numerology energies of a pen name only help or hinder, they don't make or break.

The numbers of a name represent certain numerology energies. When the numbers of a pen name and the author's birth date resonate well with each other or the essence of writing, and the pen name itself resonates well with the genre, the resonance tends to enhance both credibility and memorability.

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