Affinity Numerology : Numerology Tools Online

Numerology Lucky Colors Tool

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Your numerology lucky colors are lucky because they resonate with the numerology energies represented by your personal numerology chart. It is the color name that resonates, not the hue. Various geographical locations may recognize a different hue for the same color name.

Wearing a lucky color, having a lucky color as an accessory with your outfit, or otherwise putting a lucky color in your environment is likely to imbue the ambient energy with its resonance. It is likely to attract things that also resonate with you — rather than attracting things that either are disruptive or have nothing to do with you.

The five personal chart core numbers are the most important of your numerology chart. The lucky colors related to those numbers also tend to be most important.

(If you wish to obtain the numerology numbers of certain colors, the color name number tool can be used.)

Any master numbers in the core numbers are reduced to a single digit before determining lucky colors for that particular core number. If the birth day is a 2-digit number, it is also reduced.

The calculator below provides a list of core number lucky color names for your name and birth date. It also lists hue examples for the color names.

The lucky colors article contains more information about lucky colors and ways to use them. This lucky colors page also contains pertinent information.

Lucky Colors Tool

To use this calculator: Specify your birth name and birth date to get a list of numerology lucky colors.

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