Affinity Numerology : Lucky Names and Numbers
Numerology Lucky Colors
To determine lucky colors, numerology calculations use the name of the color. The way the color name is spelled can have an effect on the calculation.
The color itself, its hue, has no effect on calculations for numerology lucky colors.
There are other types of lucky colors.
As an example, some people may notice good things happening whenever they wear a certain color. It makes that color lucky for them. Their experience is valid, even though their lucky color might not be a personal numerology lucky color.
Numerology lucky colors are color names that, when calculated, resonate with the person's personal numerology chart.
The color number depends on how the color name is spelled. When calculating the color "gray," the result is a different numerology color number than when calculating "grey," even though both are the same hue.
To determine whether or not a certain color is a numerology lucky color for you, a number is calculated using the color name.
(Color name numbers are obtained the same way people name numbers are obtained, by adding together the numerology letter values of the name. The color name number calculator can be used for lists of colors.) )
When a color name number is calculated, the next thing to do is see if the number matches any of the five core numbers of your numerology chart. If there is a match, that color is considered to be a numerology lucky color for you.
A person's lucky colors are lucky in the same way that lucky numbers are lucky — they resonate with the name or birth date core numbers in the personal numerology chart.
The lucky colors calculator may be used to get a list of numerous lucky colors for your name and birth date.
When a color resonates with you, it is lucky for you. When there's a dissonance, it is not lucky.
Using Lucky Colors
Some people wear clothes containing one or more of their lucky colors every day. Others have a clothing accessory with lucky colors somewhere in it. Still others decorate their homes or their work areas with objects containing their lucky colors.
Having lucky colors in your environment may imbue the ambient energy with its resonance. Its resonance tends to attract things that also resonate with you and life as you are living it rather than attracting things that either are disruptive or have nothing to do with you.
The five core numbers are the most important of your numerology chart. The lucky colors related to those numbers also tend to be the most important.
Use the lucky colors calculator for a list of lucky colors resonating with your name and birth date core numbers.