Affinity Numerology : Lucky Names and Numbers

Lucky Colors

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Certain colors tend to be lucky because they:

  • Resonate with you, the person you know yourself to be.

  • Resonate with the events and circumstances you are experiencing or are likely to encounter.

Colors tend to attract what they resonate with.

Thus, when colors resonate with you or what you are likely to encounter, their resonance tends to draw ideas, people, points of view, and other things that match who you are — which is pretty much every aspect of life as you experience it.

When determining which colors are lucky, it's the name of the color that matters, not the hue itself.

The color's name has a number — like a person's name or the name of a flower or any other name has a number. The color name number tool can calculate color name numbers for you.

Determining a Lucky Color

When a color name number matches the number of

  • a particular position on a personal numerology chart,
  • a special date — an anniversary for example, or
  • the name of something special — an event or pet or any other name,

then that color name resonates with that position, date, or name.

That resonance is what makes the color lucky.

Examples of Finding Lucky Colors

More than one color matches any one-digit number larger than zero. Any one or more can be selected as a lucky color.

Here are some colors that resonate with specific single-digit numbers.

"1" Colors
"2" Colors
"3" Colors
"4" Colors
"5" Colors
"6" Colors
"7" Colors
"8" Colors
"9" Colors
Click a link on the left for a list of colors for that number.

Use the color name tool to find the color name number of colors not in any of the above lists.

Here are three examples of how to determine lucky colors.

Example #1: A particular position on a personal numerology chart.

Daiy Jane Fictive was born on June 8, 1963. Her personal year number for this year, 2025, is the number 5. Lucky colors for the number 5 are:


Example #2: A special date — an anniversary for example.

Let's assume today's date, March 25, 2025, is a special date.

When all the numbers of the date are reduced to a single digit, we end up with the number 1. Lucky colors for the number 1 are:


Example #3: The name of something special — an event or pet or any other name.

Let's use the name "Pythagorean Numerology" for the example.

The name number is the same as the destiny number. For Pythagorean Numerology, the number is 5.

Lucky colors for the number 5 are:


Using Lucky Colors

Lucky colors represent the resonance of who you are, the phase of your life that you are experiencing, or a special date or name of something.

Having lucky colors in your environment is likely to imbue the ambient energy with its resonance. Its resonance tends to attract things that also resonate with you and life as you are living it — rather than attracting things that either are disruptive or have nothing to do with you.

Lucky colors can be in your environment by, as examples, wearing clothing with a lucky color, having lucky-colored fashion accessories, or having artistic objects in your office or home with lucky colors.

The five core numbers are the most important of your numerology chart. The lucky colors related to those numbers also tend to be most important.

Use the lucky colors calculator to determine the lucky colors related to your core numerology chart numbers.

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