Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Personal Compatibility With Location

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Some people are more compatibile with certain geographic locations and less compatible with other geographical locations.

Numerology calculations can be applied to every location that has a name. With that, a person's numerological compatibility with the location can be calculated.

To determine compatibility, certain numbers in a person's numerology chart are consulted. The calculations determine how well the energy represented by their chart does or does not resonate with the energy represented by the name of the location.

There are many reasons for consulting the compatibility of a location with a personal numerology chart. Examples include:

  • Deciding where to go on vacation.

  • Determining a good location for a wedding.

  • Considering a place to move to.

Locations can be country names, city names, building names, any geographical location that has a name. (If you are wanting street address or house number compatibility, see the street address and house number article.)

The numerology chart numbers that are consulted to determine compatibility with a location are the life path number and the destiny number.

A calculator for location compatibility is linked to further below. The calculator was created to do the compatibility calculations for you.

How to Specify Location Names

When using the calculator, specify the name of the location that is most important. If the city is most important, specify the name of the city. If it's the country, then specify the name of the country.

City examples:


Country examples:


Sometimes, an entire area is important, such as a city and its province. And perhaps also its country.

Examples of city, city and province, and city in province of country:

Calgary, Alberta
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Whichever is most important is what you specify when you specify the location in the calculator.

Because the calculator allows multiple locations, each geographical location, separate and together, may be specified. Example:

Calgary, Alberta
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Alberta, Canada

Every specified location will have its own compatibility score. The higher the score, the more compatible.

Is it the city that is most important? Perhaps it is the country. Or, the province and country together. Whichever is most important, that is the most important compatibility score.

The location compatibility tool is automated. It will not make a recommendation. Instead, the results contain a compatibility score for each specified location. As noted earlier, the higher the score, the more compatible.

You can then use the compatibility scores as information to consider when making your own determinations.

Tap Location Compatibility Calculator for the calculator to help you determine your numerological compatibility with a geographical location, or for information to help you choose a location.

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