Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Numerology Cyclic Changes
There are multiple types of numerology cycles that can describe the types of events we will meet throughout a lifetime. Here we have a summary of the various cycles traditional Pythagorean numerology can delineate.
The timing of numerology cycles are all calculated using the birth date.
Two cycles also use the name for calculations. Those cycles are the power number and the essence transits.
All cycles obtained with traditional Pythagorean numerology calculations are addressed in this article.
Each cycle contains a brief description. They also link to either or both information articles and free online tools to help with calculations.
Here's an index. If you are interested in reading about one type of cycle first, a click on the title will jump to that section of the article.
Further below, the cycles are listed from the shortest to the longest.
The personal day, month, and year cycles change when the calendar year changes. The other cycles change on the person's birthday. There is a transition period for each cycle rather than an abrupt change from one number's energy to the next.
The Daily Personal Day Cycle
Daily readings give you a hint of the type of things the day is likely to bring. The resonance of the energy the personal day number represents attracts certain types of events and circumstances.
Information article:
Numerology Daily Readings
Online tool:
Daily Numerology Reading Calculator
The Monthly Personal Month Cycle
The energy represented by the personal month number influences what types of events and circumstances you're likely to experience during that month.
Information article:
Numerology Personal Month Numbers
Online tool:
Numerology Personal Month Calculator
The Yearly Personal Year Cycle
The energy represented by the personal year number has significant effect on what is likely and how the year is experienced. The change from one year number to another can also have an effect.
Information article:
Your Personal Year Number
Online tool:
Personal Year Calculator
The Various-Cycle-Length Essence Transits
The essence transit can disclose the energies which are still ahead and the type of individual you'll tend to be. There may be a change every year for a short time, then some years with no change.
Information article:
The Essence Transit
Online tool:
The Essence Transit Calculator
The Four Pinnacle Cycles
There are four numerology pinnacle cycles. Each can be an intense episode of transformation in personal lives. When you are prepared for a change, it is not a surprise.
Information article:
Numerology Pinnacles Calculator
Online tool:
Numerology Pinnacles Calculator
The Delineated and Overlapped Challenges
There are numerology calculations to predict the tone or type of some of life's challenges. There are two different ways challenges are calculated, a delineated method and an overlapped method. Some numerologists use one, some both. A challenge can be a learning experience, something through which a person can gain certainty and clarity.
Information article:
The Challenges
Online delineated challenges tool:
Life Challenges Delineated Calculator
Online overlapped challenges tool:
Life Challenges Overlapped Calculator
The Three Life Period Cycles
A person's primary goals and outlook on life can change dramatically at about 26-34 years old and again about about 52-60 years old. When such changes occur at those ages, it may have something to do with a life period cycle change.
Information article:
Numerology Life Periods
Online tool:
Life Periods Calculator
The Power Number Cycle
The numerology power number comes into force about midlife. How much of a life outlook change a person experiences is likely to depend on whether any of the core numbers are the same as the power number. With a unique power number, a new resonance is introduced. With an identical power number, a current resonance is enhanced.
Information article:
The Power Number
Online tool:
Power Number Calculator
Knowing what is likely removes surprises. Understanding the various cycles can help to make life a little more predictable.