Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Looking Into the Future

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Numerology is mathematical. Its calculations result in numbers. The numbers represent energy.

A numerologist can interpret that energy for a glimpse of the tendencies and likelihoods that will exist in the future.

The future to look at needs to be specific for a reliable interpretation to be done. "In the future" is not a specific point in time because it might mean anywhere from tomorrow to decades from now.

This article describes how to do your own interpretation by using examples to illustrate the process.

If you're going to look into your future, have a specific point of time in mind. Examples:

"Eight years from now."
"During year 2026."
"When I get to be 60."

In a moment, I'll describe how to look into the future.

To prepare, write down the future point in time you want to look at.

If you can get it down to an exact date, that is good. Otherwise, get the time period down to a certain month or year — no longer than a year.

Further above there is a list of examples. Let's get each down to the future point in time to look at.

"Eight years from now." The point in time is February 22, 2033.

"During year 2026." The point in time is the entire year 2026.

"When I get to be 60." As I write this article, I don't know who will read it nor what their birth dates are. Therefore, I'll assume an example birth date of June 8, 1995 — which makes June 8, 2055 the day the person turns 60, the point in the future to look into.

Each of those examples will be used as illustrations to show how to look into the future.

How to Look Into the Future

Numerology charts contain cycles of several lengths, from a day to decades.

Generally, looking ahead is for a point in time a year or more in the future. But if your interest is more immediate, these calculators can be used for an interpretation:

If you have an exact date in mind, even if in the immediate future of less than a year from now, use the "Eight years from now" illustration below to look into that future period.

Now, let's illustrate how to do each of the three examples listed further above in this article.

"Eight years from now."

Eight years from now, the date is February 22, 2033.

Consult each of the following numerology cycle generators and make a note of their interpretations. Some of the interpretations may appear contrary to other interpretations. Nevertheless, each of the tendencies and likelihoods are present during February 22, 2033.

  • Life Period Cycle — Provide your birth date to the generator and get a reading.

    You'll see an interpretation for your current life period cycle. Ignore that.

    Instead, use the calculator results to determine your life period cycle number for February 22, 2033. Then, go to the life period article and obtain the interpretation for that number.

  • Pinnacle Cycle — As with the first calculator, provide the generator with your date of birth.

    Also as before, ignore the interpretation for your current pinnacle cycle.

    Use the calculator results to determine your pinnacle cycle number for February 22, 2033. Go to the pinnacles article and obtain the interpretation for that pinnacle number.

  • Delineated Challenge Cycle — After providing your date of birth, find the challenge number for February 22, 2033.

    Then consult the challenges article for an interpretation of your challenge number.

  • Overlapped Lifetime Challenge and Challenge Cycle — Provide the birth date information. Then find your lifetime challenge number and your cycle number for February 22, 2033. (The two numbers might be the same.)

    It is likely that one or both of the lifetime challenge number or overlapped cycle number are the same as the delineated challenge number. If yes, then the interpretation is the same. Otherwise, consult the challenges article for an interpretation of the lifetime challenge number and/or the cycle number that are different than the delineated challenge number.

Now you are in position to do your own composite interpretation for the February 22, 2033 date.

Mentally merge the tendencies and likelihoods that were revealed with the above generators. That merge will give you an understanding and an insight into numerology cyclic energies resonating during that specific day.

"During year 2026."

Because this is an interpretation of a specific year, use the Personal Year Number Calculator. Provide your birth date to obtain an interpretation for both year 2025 and year 2026.

The above calculator will work only for this year and next year.

For years further in the future, add together your month number, your day number, and the future year number. Reduce that number to a single digit. Then, consult the personal year article for an interpretation of your result.

If you wish, you may also do calculations according to the procedure for a specific date, as illustrated in the "Eight years from now" section above. But you'll need to use the calculator twice for each cycle, before and after your birthday. The reason for the two interpretations is in case a cycle number will change on your birthday during that future year.

"When I get to be 60."

Determine the date when you become 60 years old. Use the illustrated procedure in the "Eight years from now" section above to determine the tendencies and likelihoods on that future date.

Looking Into the Future

You now have tools to let you look into the future, to see what tendencies and likelihoods will be present at a specific future time — for yourself or for a friend.

There are no reliable predetermined and irrefutable predictions available. The Numerology vs. Predetermination article explains why.

In fact, it may be a good thing that only tendencies and likelihoods are available. Otherwise, there would be no free will.

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