Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology

Your Personal Years, Months, and Days

Image for 'Your Personal Years, Months, and Days' numerology article

The energies represented by your personal day number, your personal month number, and your personal year number tend to influence every day of your life.

This website provides a lot of information related to the personal day, month, and year numbers and the energy they represent.

In a moment, you'll find links to many of those. Some are information articles. Some are calculators to help you find your own numbers and interpretations.

This article is about how to do the calculations in case you are interested in learning or wish to do the calculations manually.

Here are links to information articles.

After describing how the personal day, month, and year numbers are calculated, there are links to online calculators where you can check your work.

How to Calculate Personal Day, Month, and Year Numbers

The calculations require the person's birth date and today's date.

We'll assume a birth date of April 23, 1965. And assume today's date is March 25, 2025.

We'll start the calculations with the personal year number.

The personal year number is required to calculate the personal month number. And the personal month number is required to calculate the personal day number.

Calculating the Numerology Personal Year Number

To calculate the personal year, add together the birth month, the birth day, and the current year. Reduce the result to a single digit by adding together the digits of the sum and doing so repeatedly until the sum is less than 10.

Here are the calculations to determine birth date April 23's personal year number for the current date March 25, 2025.

4 + 23 + 2025 = 2052
2 + 0 + 5 + 2 = 9

The calculated numerology personal year number for birth date April 23 at year 2025 is the number 9.

Calculating the Numerology Personal Month Number

To calculate the personal month, first determine the personal year number (as above) and add it to the current month number. Reduce the result to a single digit.

Here are the calculations to determine birth date April 23's personal month number for the current date March 25, 2025 (personal year number 9).

9 + 3 = 12
1 + 2 = 3

The calculated numerology personal month number for birth date April 23 at March, 2025 is the number 3.

Calculating the Numerology Personal Day Number

To calculate the personal day, first determine the personal month number (as above) and add it to the current day number. Reduce the result to a single digit.

Here are the calculations to determine birth date April 23's personal day number for the current date March 25, 2025 (personal month number 3).

3 + 25 = 28
2 + 8 = 10
1 + 0 = 1

The calculated numerology personal day number for birth date April 23 at March 25, 2025 is the number 1.


Here are the calculation instructions. (Each calculation's result is reduced to a single digit.)

To determine the numerology personal year number:

Add together the birth month, the birth day, and the current year.

To determine the numerology personal month number:

Add together the personal year number and the current month.

To determine the numerology personal day number:

Add together the personal month number and the current day.

Every day, at least one of the numbers change, the personal day number. At the first of the month, the personal month number also changes. And the personal year number changes at the first of every year.

Online Calculators

These calculators may be used to check your calculations.

The last one on the above list calculates each of the numbers for the current date.

You now have the instructions to calculate the numbers that represent an influence that tends to affect every person every day of their lives.

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