Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Influence of Personal Day, Month, and Year Numbers
The personal day, personal month, and personal year cycles have a subtle influence on your experience of life, including the types of events and circumstances that affect you.
Those three numerology cyclic influences in your numerology chart have calendar timing instead of the birth date timing that other numerology chart cycles have. The cycle's timing determines when the cycle's numerology number changes.
Depending on the number changes and how much resonance or dissonance the cycle numbers have with other numbers in your numerology chart, their influence may be more than a gentle nudge. They may feel or be dramatic.
When a cyclic number changes, the energy influence change is gradual, not sudden.
The personal day's number-change timing is at midnight, when new days begin according to the time zone you exist in.
The personal month's number-change timing is at the beginning of each month. And the personal year's number-change timing is at the beginning of each year.
Further below are links to articles about each of those three. Also to online tools for determining their numbers — and reading interpretations of the energy the numbers represent.
Although their cycle timing is with calendar timing, the numbers that represent the personal day, personal month, and personal year cycles are calculated from your birth date.
Of the three influences addressed here, the longer cycles are the strongest. This is why:
Personal Year —
The influence of the energy represented by the personal year cycle number lasts all year. It has lots of time to effect changes.
It is good to always be aware of this number and understand it's energy — to know what is likely and what to expect.
See Your Personal Year Number for more information about the personal year cycle.
And Personal Year Calculator to determine what your personal year number is.
Personal Month —
The influence of the energy represented by the personal month cycle number contends with the personal year energy. When they are compatible, each enhances the other. When incompatible, the personal year energy, having had more time to settle in, generally prevails.
Use the following links for information about personal months and an interpretation of the energy your personal month number represents.
See the Numerology Personal Month Numbers article for more information about the personal month cycle.
And Numerology Personal Month Calculator to determine what your current and next personal month numbers are and interpretations for them.
Personal Day —
The influence of the energy represented by the personal day cycle number is subject to the compatible and incompatible energies as they exist for both the personal month and personal year.
The personal day energy is, however, very real, and occasionally can have a tremendous influence.
See Numerology Daily Readings for more information about daily readings interpreted from the energy represented by the personal day number.
Use the Daily Numerology Reading Calculator to get a reading for today and tomorrow. In addition, a free daily reading email is available.
Use Numerology Personal Day Calendar to generate a downloadable calendar of personal day numbers with general interpretations.
The personal year number, personal month number, and personal day number energies influence the types of events and circumstances likely to occur during the represented period of a person's life.
A Wonderful Planning Aid
Knowing what influences you will experience in the future can be an invaluable planning aid.
Things you must do can be planned for periods when you'll be most inclined to do them. Things you want to do can be planned for in advance for periods you're likely to enjoy them the most.
Planning of life changing events, such as marriage or job changes, can be planned ahead and benefit from knowing what the future is likely to hold.
The personal day, personal month, and personal year cyclic influences are subtle and real. Being aware of the influences can result in a better life and a life with less unfortunate surprises.