Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Name Numbers Affect Each Other
There are 3 major name numbers.
Their energies tend to affect each other during a person's entire life.
Even a name change does not entirely eliminate the influence of a birth name's energies — and the new name introduces other energies that affect each other.
The three major name numbers are the destiny number, heart's desire number, and personality number.
The energies that the three name numbers represent may resonate with each other, have little effect on each other, or be dissonant with each other. Resonant energies tend to enhance each other and dissonant energies tend to interrupt or negate each other.
The effects the individual name energies have upon each of the other two major name number energies can determine the character of a person as much as the energies can by themselves.
The energy represented by the three major name numbers of a person's numerology chart have a potential to influence different aspects of the person, the individual they know themselves to be.
As an example, when both the heart's desire number and the personality number are the same, there is likely to be less deep desire or yearning because the personality energy is already expressing at least some aspects of the heart's desire energy.
As another example, when the heart's desire and personality energies conflict, they tend to go in different directions. Integrating the two influences requires recognition of the conflict and actions to resolve it.
To extend the last example, let's consider the conflicting energies of the incompatible numbers 4 and 5. The 4 energy is about methodology and building a foundation for the future. The 5 energy is about expression of a personal sense of freedom.
With a 4 heart's desire and a 5 personality, the person will dearly want to do things the way they have been done before and to have a firm foundation dependable for the future. But the life tends to be lived in a haphazard way, pursuing this and then that, changing focus according to whim.
It is possible for the two influences to work with each other. How that would happen is according to the individual. An example is the building of a business that relates to expression of freedom.
The Destiny
The destiny name number has the strongest influence of the three name number energies.
Generally, it has the most influence over the other two numbers and is least affected by them. An exception can occur when the other two number energies resonante with each other but not with the destiny number — the effect of the two would then tend to be stronger than the effect of the one.
Let's bring the above example of a 4 heart's desire and a 5 personality to this point in the article.
The destiny number is the single-digit total of the heart's desire and personality numbers. For the example, the destiny number is the number 9. The 9 energy is about tolerance and is always willing to consider opportunities likely to benefit mankind.
The 9 energy is a stable point for both the 4 and 5 energies.
The 4's energy resonates well with 9 energy, so the 9 destiny energy doesn't affect it much.
The 5 energy, on the other hand, tends to change direction without prior notice. If the new direction interferes with 9, the direction tends to be abandoned for another more in resonance with 9 energy. In other words, if there is a sudden direction toward doing something that creates social disturbance it tends to shift toward doing something that supports the social structure.
As explained, the three major numerology name number energies affect each other. How much they affect each other depends on whether or not they are compatible and also which of the three name positions in the numerology chart the numbers are at.