Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Compatibility of Name With Date of Birth
To determine birth date compatibility with a name, compare the destiny number with the life path number. The compatibility chart may be used to compare those two numbers.
Many people prefer to have as much name and birth date compatibility as possible. However, there is a reason for not wanting too much compatibility. I'll address that a bit later in the article.
For now, what if the compatibility you prefer is not what you have?
The birth date number can't be changed. But the name can.
But it's not instant. With a name change, the energy represented by the birth name still never goes away completely.
What generally happens when a name is changed is the energy that the new name represents gradually becomes stronger and, eventually, is stronger than the energy represented by the birth name.
Before changing a name, determine what energy the name resonates with. Get an interpretation. Is it consistent with the type of individual the person wishes to become?
Changing a name can change the person. Slowly, yes, but persistently.
Name number energy consistent with who the person wishes to be is more important than name and birth date compatibility. What good would compatibility be if you are persistently nudged into being someone you don't want to be?
The best would be name energy consistent with one's personal preferences and that also has the compatibility that is desired.
The name/birth date compatibility calculator can be used to calculate the compatibility of your name with your birth date. Or your proposed new name with your birth date.
The calculator also lists every single-digit foundation number and its compatibility with your birth date. That list can be used to help determine the compatibility of other names you have in mind — should you wish to change yours.
Too Much Compatibility?
The destiny number suggests and nudges an outlook on life that resonates with the energy represented by the name. It is the kind of energy a person thinks of themselves as being.
The life path number attracts events and circumstances that resonate with the energy represented by the birth date. It is how a person tends to experience life.
Thus, with highly compatible name and birth date numbers, a person tends to attract events and circumstances that resonate with the type of person they sense they are.
With a high compatibility of birth date and name energies, life experience tends to be restricted to the resonance of those energies. Energies of other numbers tend to be less noticed and less experienced.
With less compatibility, life experience tends to be broader. The energies represented by the birth date and by the name, being slightly or much different, represent a broader range of experience.
Your compatibility preference is deemed to be right for you. Some people change their name to establish the compatibility they prefer.