Affinity Numerology : Using Numerology
Effects of 4 to 5 Personal Year Number Change
A shift from personal year number 4 to number 5 is a change from narrow focus to attention dispersion. It's a transition from a year of focus on building a secure foundation for the future to a year of expressing a personal sense of freedom.
The personal year number 4, a year of focus and foundations, likely included a focus on being, as examples, trusted, reliable, and someone who gets things done.
The year likely also included methodical, step-by-step building of a secure financial foundation and establishing pleasant conditions and circumstances for themself and their family.
The personal year number 5, a year of expression of personal freedom, is highly likely to include trying as many different things as it is feasible to try, simply for the experience.
The year will likely include an interest in alternate lifestyles, travel, assimilating various viewpoints, and taking life less seriously than the previous year.
Some people notice the energy change in October. Others notice it later, perhaps as late as mid-November or early-December. The energy shift completes during the first half of January.
The energies represented by the numbers 4 and 5 are incompatible. The 4 energy has a focus on goals and building for the future. The 5 energy is about freedom of expression without hindrance.
The personal year 4 to 5 shift can feel freeing for some people while others can feel like they're losing a foundation. In any case, unless a person expected the shift they're likely to experience a degree of disorientation.
Although unlikely, free will and life situations can prevent the energy shift from having much effect.
The personal year energy is transitioning from a year of focus and building a foundation.
The personal year energy is transitioning to a year of expressing a personal sense of freedom.
The essence of the energy represented by the number 4 is about establishing material security and comfort. A foundation for continued security is part of that focus. It is conscientiousness, dependable, and responsible. It fulfills commitments.
The energy represented by the number 4 includes pragmatism. A practical method is determined to accomplish a goal and then followed to completion.
The essence of the energy represented by the number 5 is about adventure. Whatever stimulates the person's interest can be an adventure of learning or experience.
The energy represented by the number 5 includes wit, curiosity, and sensuality. The circumstances of the person's life tend to have a preponderance of changing life circumstances — travel, meeting new people, being exposed to new ideas, being enticed by new ways of looking at things.
If unanticipated, the personal year number change from 4 to 5 may be surprising. The person is likely to become less interested in the material security of the future and more interested in experiencing new things.
Let's look at the numerology chart of one of our Example People.
The year Daiy Fictive reached 16 years old, in 1979, she started experiencing a personal year number 5.
Being at an age when she seriously considered herself to be adult, no longer a child, the energy the number 5 represents resonated easily with her fresh outlook.
Her pinnacle cycle was also the number 5. It provided additional resonance.
The previous year, a personal year 4, her focus had been on planning for her immediate future. Her unexpressed romantic interest, a boy she briefly met the year before while in town with her mom, was the partner in much of her imaginings and preparation.
When personal year 5 kicked in, in conjunction with what she considered the magical time of turning 16, the age she felt permitted to consider herself an adult, Daiy was ready for it. She was ready for new experiences and new points of view. She was eager to learn everything about her newly assumed status. And she proceeded to express her new sense of freedom.
1979 was a pleasant year for her.
Now that you know what to expect during a numerology personal year 4 to personal year 5 transition, you can be ready for it. Let it be expected, not surprising.